Chapter 2: Not Tolerated

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"You what!?" "Sir, she got away. She's young and fast, and slipped by-" "Don't give me excuses!! Find her! Turn the whole city upside-down if you have to! No sign of resistance will be tolerated in this city!" The guards saluted and ran out the doors," Yes sir!" The man at the big desk sighed," If Ashwell isn't found soon, she could start a riot inside the city walls. If she's smart, she'd try to get out of the walls." He smirked and held his ear piece," Double the guard on the mid wall, Pyre Ashwell will not escape this city, got it?" He stood up and walked to the giant glass window of the dark colored building," I've shaped the middle sector too much to let some kid take it all away from me."

Pyre snuck carefully between alleys. She watched people hand out wanted posters of her all over the buildings for the past few days, praying that she'd turn herself in if she knew what was good for her and the other citizens. The short brunette quickly turned a corner and sat against the wall,' I'm almost there. Just a few more blocks till I arrive at the wall. But I'm running low on ammunition and rope. I shouldn't detour, but I'm going to need to.' Pyre looked across the street and quickly ran down into the next alley. There, she spotted a small building marked with a green feline symbol at the door. She went inside and to the counter," I need as much rope as you can give me, and harpoons if you have them." After throwing a bag of money onto the counter, the shopkeeper ran off into the store to collect the said items. The owner tossed her the few items he had. Pyre nodded," Thanks." She walked out and toward the wall separating the middle sector from the lower sector. She froze in spot when she noticed the amount of guards at the gate to pass,' Dang, going to the gate will be suicide. Looks like I'm doing a little climbing today.' She sighed and started climbing onto the roof of a house close to the wall. Pyre got onto her stomach and breathed slowly,' Alright, just quick and clean. 1...' She pointed her gun towards the top of the wall,' ... 2...' She inhaled and exhaled through her mouth,' ... 3.' Pyre hit the trigger and the harpoon blasted across the gap and hooked onto the top of the wall. She jumped and swung threw the air and clung onto the wall as close to the top as she could. She shimmed up the rest of the way and stood up at the top, getting a glimpse of all three sectors, and for the first time ever, the ocean. After taking in the site of the vast water, Pyre smirked slightly," It's just about time things changed around here."

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