Chapter 4: Together

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Pyre woke the next morning and yawned silently. Her brownish hazel eyes reflected the morning light gleaming in from an open window. She looked up at the window and noticed someone standing near, looking out into the sun rise. Pyre got up, stretched, and walked soundlessly behind the figure," Morning, Levi. You alright?" The dark haired boy turned to face Pyre, nodding," Y-Yeah, I'm alright. It's just... recent events have just come as a shock to me." "You mean... me? And the government, don't you?" Levi gave a slight nod," I respect what you did, Pyre, because... I would have never had the nerve to stand up like that, like how you did." He looked back out the window," I wish I could be more like you, brave, smart... I wish, that, maybe I could be the one to stand up to the government. We can do it together!" Pyre looked at the ground," Yeah... Together." She thought into the statement made,' Together... Stand up to the government... That's it.' She smiled," L-Levi, that's it! The government will never pay attention to just one person, but, if we can gather enough people with the same burning passion like us, we might have a chance!" Levi cocked his head in confusion," A chance? Chance for what?" "A chance to change the government, the nation! We can become a free people, take down these walls that separate the society, and finally be equal! Levi." Levi turned and faced Pyre," Yes?" Pyre held out her hand," Will you join me, and hundreds of others, to fight for the freedom of this country, like what the school books used to tell us about? The Revolution that ruined the country and it's hopes of survival, will you take your part in defending equality in everyone, by working with me to take down the government and their system of operation?" Levi looked to the side, and back at the young 13 year old girl standing in front of him. His hand met hers and shook it," I do." Pyre smirked," The government better be ready if they really care about their money."

"What!? Start a revolution? You must be mad, Pyre! Did you hit your head on the way here?" Millie paced the floor in front of the couch, where the two teens sat. Levi spoke up," Ma, I know you don't like the way we're living. Being forced to live here because Pyre's household wasn't big enough to support 4 people... The government comes up with these ridiculous rules that don't help at all! They aren't effective and only make things worse for us!" Pyre stood up," Aunt Millie, please, if you help me, I'll help you and everyone else!" Millie looked at her only son and back at Pyre," ... I'll help. But on one out of two conditions." The young brunette nodded," Fair enough. What are the choices?" Millie held Levi's shoulder," You can start at anytime you please, but without getting my Levi involved." Levi gasped at his mother," M-Ma!? Wha-" "Or, you can stay with us a few years, at least till your 16 or 17, then you both can start. Those are my choices." Pyre grabbed Levi and whispered to him," Levi, I don't think I can wait any longer. The more we wait the worse it'll get." "But I already pledged to help you, Pyre. You can't start without me... I want to help you... and everyone in need." Pyre sighed and stood infront of her Aunt Millie," ... I'll... wait..." Millie smiled," Very good. In the mean time, I know you'll be needing many things, you can collect supplies leading up to the deadline."She hugged her niece tightly," Make yourself at home, Pyre."

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