New Beginnings

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 "WAaaaaaaah!" Mizuki shot up from her bed, startled as she glanced around. Luckily, she had not been consumed by giant dueling monsters as she had feared. She was right where she was supposed to be: her bedroom. "Just a dream.." Mizuki let out a light sigh as she stretched, slowly sliding off her bed. "Today's the day.." She muttered as she pushed back her satin-esque curtains slightly, just enough to let in the dim afternoon light. The city was already awake and alive, people rushing about here and there. "The annual tournament.." Mizuki turned from her window and opened up a wardrobe, searching through a never-ending supply of clothes as she picked out something to wear. She needed to look especially cute today as she would be possibly dueling the king of games himself. "Hmm~" Mizuki let out a happy sigh, grabbing a short, ruffled black dress from the wardrobe. This would be sure to attract attention, and besides, black was her favorite color. "This one!~" She smiled widely as she quickly threw off her pj's, changing into the dress. It was absolutely perfect, fitted to show off her figure just as she wanted. "Yaaaaaay!" Mizuki let out a cheer, skipping over to her full-length mirror and doing a few spins. "Today is gonna be a good day!" With a playful determination in her eyes, Mizuki grabbed her shoulder bag from the edge of her bed and swung open the door, her newly purple locks bouncing behind her as she made her way out the door. (Which wasn't too far from her room, luckily).

The sounds of a bustling city greeted her as she took her first steps outside. Mizuki had long grown used to the atmosphere, however, so she failed to notice it much at this point and continued to walk along the sidewalk. Today will be different. I can feel it. She gave a nod, her thoughts edging her forward as she made her trudge to Kaiba Corp building in the center of Domino City.

Seto Kaiba POV

 At last, the day had come. Tireless hours of paperwork and punching numbers had made the young CEO quite weary and greatly in need of an escape. And after all, what was the point of having all this money and resources if it wasn't going to be put to good use? As Kaiba Corp was now a gaming company as opposed to a weapon company, it was only in their best interests to hold a dueling tournament. Today it had finally come.

"Seto!?" a light knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. "Seto? Come on big brother! Ya gotta wake up! The tournament starts today!" A young, cheerful voice boomed from the other side of the doors.

"One minute, Mokuba." Seto Kaiba grumbled, not exactly appreciative of being woken up, however he knew it was for the best. Mokuba was just excited for the tournament. He sat up slowly, sun peering in from behind the curtains as he ruffled his hair. This was it. Today duelists would arrive from all over the world to participate in his tournament. And each eliminated duelist would lead him closer and closer to his goal, defeating Yugi Muto and taking back his title as the best duelist in the world. It had been the one thing on his mind since his crushing defeat a few months back.

Seto clenched his hands into fists, determined as he stood up. He threw on his usual attire and walked to the door, unlocking it and opening it to find Mokuba waiting.

"This tournament's gonna be awesome!" Mokuba beamed as he took a step back, looking up at Seto. "will Yugi Muto really be here, big brother?" he tilted his head in curiosity.

"Of course he will." Seto gave a sly smirk, lightly resting his hand on Mokuba's head and ruffling his hair. "Yugi would be a fool to not enter my tournament." Mokuba let out a light laugh as Seto ruffled his hair. "I can't wait to watch you beat him!" He smiled as Seto moved his hand. Seto stepped into the hall and began walking with Mokuba following close behind.

The two brothers entered a broadcasting room, Mokuba making sure to keep out of the way as Seto stood in front of the cameras.

"Live in five seconds sir." One of the camera men gave a glance to Seto as he nodded in response. As soon as the camera man gave the signal, Seto began to speak, the broadcast being sent out to the entire city.

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