Chapter 30

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I wake up and it's raining pretty hard outside
I yawn and look to the side and Nikolai is seated on the couch near the bed

"Hello Bellanina" he says and he sounds very cold and distant

He's been drinking
I can smell the bourbon and it's obvious that he hasn't slept at all
I sigh and sit up to look at him

"You didn't sleep?" I ask and frown

"No,I didn't... the idea of waking up to a bed without my wife... that's not very appeasing" he says and I sigh

I climb out of bed and walk over to sit on his lap

"I'll never leave you... I'm sorry" I whisper

He kisses my neck and holds my waist

"Don't ever leave me...." he whispers into my neck and I roll my eyes and kiss his temple

"Hormones" I whisper and he laughs and holds me closer

"You need to shower" I say

"Hmmm join me" he whispers and gently bites my earlobe

"Sure..." I stand up and suddenly feel a sharp pain on my side

"Your water broke?!!!!" He jumps up and I nod

"Silas is coming bubby!" I say and I try my best to be calm but I can't


He rushes Bellanina to the hospital and she's in labour for 19 hours



"How is she?" Ana asks and I can tell she's anxious

"She's good..." I say as we watch Silas through the glass window

"He's perfect" my father says and I nod

Don't cry Nikolai
Bad timing
I hold my breathe
I can't believe this is real
I have a son...

Bellanina and I are finally parents

Not so long ago she was lost and hurt and now she's so strong and she's mine...

I feel a tear fall down my face and I feel my fathers arms wrapped around my shoulder

"I've never seen anything so perfect..." Lazar says

I know he's kept it together this long but Silas is his nephew by blood
He's reunited with his sister and now he's an uncle

"You did it!" Eddy says and I laugh and he hugs me

Yes we did Bella


Bellanina is resting and Silas is next to her asleep
I can't stop watching them
This is what I've always wanted

"You're staring..." she whispers and I smiles,her eyes still closed

"It's called gazing..." I say and she smirks

"It's creepy" she adds and opens her eyes

"You're so beautiful.." I whisper and kiss her forehead

"We did it" she says as she looks down at Silas

He's asleep in her arms and she must be tired
19 hours in labour and she still fed him

I hold him close and watch as he tries to open his eyes
He's so tiny

"He looks just like you" she whispers and sits up slowly

"No..stay still..." I say and she rolls her eyes

"Still have the attitude I see" I says and laugh

"Sit here" she says

"No... you need to rest.. I'm too tall" I say

She pouts at me and I sit down next to her on the bed

"Better?" I ask and she nods

"Awww can I come in?" Ana asks and she's already tearing up

"He's so adorable.. he's.." she sniffs and giggles

"Little Nikolai" Ana says

"Oh no.." Nina says and we laugh

"Hi buddy" Lazar says and he's walking around the room with Silas

"I'm going to spoil you" Ana says and kisses his hands

"Silas Jace Volkov" Nina whispers and falls asleep

I kiss her forehead and lay Silas next to her and sit on the bed side couch

"She wants to go home tomorrow" I say and my father scratches his chin

"So soon?" He asks

"I know.. I've already spoken to Simon.. she doesn't want to stay here" I say

"I think for Silas' safety.. she should just stay one more night" he says

"Okay... I'll stay with her" I say

"Nikolai you need to rest" he says and I sigh

"Okay.. I'll stay here.. go home for a while and take a shower.. dress fresh and you can come back" he urges and I nod


Alexander watches over Silas and Bellanina and he smiles

"I'm so happy for you" he says and I smile

"You've made my son so happy and you've made me so happy" he adds and kisses my forehead

"You should be proud... you raised a good man" I whisper and he kisses Silas' cheek

"My boy... moy vnuk" he adds and a tear falls down from his eyes

[my grandchild]

I've never seen this side of Alexander
All of them are always so stern and serious
It's a revelation ..
I smile and close my eyes

This was my dream come true
I found a new family and I'm happy
This is what I've already wanted

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