Chalkout line

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As I felt his hands against my neck I had a busted lip and a black eye and a bloody nose.

He had a bloody nose and a slap mark across his face.

"You worthless pice of shit!" He yelled
" I-I'm sorry I-I didn't mean it" I choked out
" fucking bullshit! You know what I'm done I'm fucking done we're over your a fucking pice of shit who deserves to be alone to fucking rot and die in a fucking hole you where all ways meant to be alone and with nobody I don't fucking care if it was just a fucking bunny it was special to me and now I can't ever fucking get it back you stupid ass fuck pice of shit troll!" He let go and ran out the street. I fell to the floor crying he is right I deserve to be alone I deserve nothing oh and I fucking hate john Egbert.

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