chapter 1: The man of no consequence

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The drive to galdin was a long one,  but was soon worth it when you saw the sea.

"I see the sea!!" Prompto yells.

"I 'sea' it too. " noct says.

"It's beautiful.." You say.

"That's galdin quay. " ignis said.

"Kinda wanna go for a dip." Gladio says.

"What's that behind it? " You ask.

"That a big mountain? " noct asks.

"No that's an island." Ignis says.

"No body goes to galdin for an island though,  they go to kick back and get massages. " prompto says.

"That's true." You say.

It was true Galdin was known for its extraordinary waters,  as well as the sea food, which ignis was excited about.

You stare out at the sea,  thinking to yourself.

You wonder what you will do once you all get onto the boat and make your way to altissia.

You were happy for your brother, he was marrying lady Lunafreya, one of the nicest people you have known.

After a few more minutes of driving,  ignis pulled over, we had arrived.

You all get out of the car and and take a walk along the pier, the only way to the boats, the pier was long but the view made the walk worth while.

"The view is incredible!" you gape.

"Yeah." noctis agrees.

You all walk up talking when a stranger walks up to you, he had red-violet hair.

You could tell your brother was sceptical but you however were taught manners.

You smiled at the stranger.

"I'm afraid you're out of luck." The stranger says, he looks at you then your brother.

"Are we?" Noctis says.

"The boats bring you here.." the stranger says.

"What about em?" Prompto asks.

"Well they'll not take you forth." The stranger says, turning around.

"And what's your story?" Gladio asks.

"I'm an impatient traveller, ready to turn ship." The stranger says, walking up to you.

Your brother was about to walk in front of you but before he could the stranger spoke up.

"The ceasefires getting us no where." The stranger says.

He then grabs your hand and places a coin in it.

You look down at the coin.

"What is this?" You ask.

"Consider it your allowance." The stranger says.

Gladio then steps in front of you, your brother grabs your hand and pulls you to him, you then hand him the coin.

"Yeah, and who's allowing us?" Gladio asks.

"A man of no consequence." The stranger says, spreading his arms before dropping them at his side, then walking away.

"Yeah right." Your brother says, annoyed.

"You believe what that guy said about the port being closed?" Prompto asks.

"Guess we'll have to find out for our selves." You say as you all go to the docks.

When you arrive at the docks you see that there are indeed, no boats to be seen.

"Aww man. Not a ship in sight. What gives?" Prompto asks.

As you begin to walk back a man sat by the docks stops your brother.

"According to my sources, the empire. Giving strict order not to let any vessels leave the docks of altissia." The man says.

"Real shame if you were late to your own wedding right Prince noctis? Names dino by the way, pleasure." Dino says.

He then looks at you.

"Lady y/n." He says bowing his head slightly.

You smile at him as he continues talking to your brother.

"The crown Prince of lucis and lady y/n bounty hunting in their fancy car, surely you didn't think it's go unnoticed-at least not by this reporter. Lucky for you, this reporter had integrity. If you wanna remain incognito. I'll respect your exchange for a favour." Dino says.

"What do you want?" Noct asks.

"Hey, I knew you'd come around! Lemme see your map". Dino says.

Noctis hands dino the map and dino says that he's marked out where we need to go and that he wants us to find rough gemstones and that if we do this then our ships will come in.

You decide to do what he asks if you.

You yawn, it was getting late.

"You tired y/n?" Prompto asks.

"We can stay the night if you want, go in the morning?" Noct suggests.

"Yeah, that'd be good." You say.

You all head to your room and get some sleep, although you couldn't sleep for some reason.

You decide to go out of the room, careful not to wake anyone.

You step outside and sit by the water on the pier, thinking to yourself.

'I wonder how father is doing..' you think, you look out at the water, it looked peaceful.

After some time you feel someone tap your shoulder.

You turn around and see noctis, you smile at him.

"Hey you alright?" Noct asks, sitting by you.

"Yeah, just thinking." You say.

"If you say so. How are your headaches?" Noct asks.

"If I'm honest, they're getting worse, each time it hurts more and i feel like I'm losing part of myself." You admit.

You look down, sad.

Noct notices this and hugs you, you stay that way for a while, it had been a while since your brother had hugged you like this, the attacks must have been bothering him.

After a while he lets go.

"Come on, let's get to bed." He says standing up, he helps you up and you both go back to bed.

I hope this chapter was ok, it took ages, and from now on I'm only going to update Mondays and possibly fridays but more likely mondays.

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