Chapter 3: The open world

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After the battle with loqi you all piled into the regalia, discussing where to go next, iris; Gladio's sister, came up during the conversation about lestallum, next was the discussion about the meteor, it was said that titan, one of the six, caught the meteor and has been slumbering ever since.

The drive was a long one, ignis pulled into coernix station to refuel, letting noct know that he may drive if he so desired.

Just as you all finished your business there nocts phone rings.

He answers the phone.

He was speaking to iris, she wanted to know when we would reach lestallum.

"Was that iris, hmph can't even call her own brother!" Gladio jokingly says.

"In all fairness, yours wasn't the obituary broadcast all over lucis."
Ignis says back.

"What about me, she say anything about me?" Prompto asks, only to then go an a tangent about wanting to go and see the Chocobos.

Noctis agrees as do you and you all head out to Wiz Chocobo post.


Once you arrived you were expecting to see loads of chocobos, unfortunately there wasn't a chocobo in sight.

"Hey, where are all of the chocobo?" You ask, saddened at not being able to see the giant birds.

You were then told that a behemoth by the name of dead eye was prowling around the area and was putting the birds in danger.

It was decided that you would all go and hunt down this behemoth, you took the lead with Prompto, the two of you determined to ride a chocobo as soon as.

The confidence the two of you had instantly diminished at the sight of the giant beast, it was huge, horns and claws well over the length of an arm.

The two of you took to hiding behind gladio as best you could, squeezing through narrow gaps and tight spaces together.

The behemoth looked to be eating the fresh corpse of a creature, both you and prompto stepped back, holding hands with each other in fear.

At this point Noctis had taken the lead, gladio and ignis not far behind.

When you finally tracked the beast to its lair a battle started, a few scrapes and bruises were present but you had managed to kill the beast mostly unscathed.

On your way back your grin began to grow.

"Woohoo! We finally get to ride chocobos!" You say jumping up and down with prompto in excitement.

The two of you sprinted to the farm, grinning from ear to ear.

"It's like they're children." Ignis says with a smile.

After collecting the bounty the chocobos were finally allowed to be riden.

You picked a f/c Chocobo.

After being given a whistle to call upon the bird at anytime the five of you crawled back into the car and headed the rest of the way to lestallum.


The car was now driving through the tunnel that led to lestallum, you could all see the city.

"Wow!" You say.

"Nice!" Gladio says.

"This place Is pretty big!" Noct says.

"Haven't enjoyed the city life in a while." Gladio says.

"They've even got a cable car!" Prompto explains.

You look around in awe.

"I'd like to see where it leads." Ignis says while driving the car into a parking space.

When you all get out you begin to walk towards the Leville, that's where iris was.

You smelled the smell of delicious food in the air, you and prompto both rushed off, running to each food stand.

"It all looks so good!" You say.

"It sure does.." prompto says, mouth watering.

You come across some tables and see a woman eating what looks to be a curry.

"Man..that looks so good." Prompto says.

"Yeah..." you say, eyeing up the food.

"I dare say I can recreate this." Iggy says next to you, you give a big smile, iggys cooking was from the heavens, nothing could beat it.

You make it to the Leville noctis looking as though his head is in pain, you too feel pain, as though some kind of power has awakened inside of you.



You and noctis both groan in pain.

"What's wrong?" Ignis asks.

"Agh, my head just..started throbbing." Noctis says.

"Mine too.." you say.

"You all right?" Prompto asks both of you, his hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah." You say.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Noct says.

You all walk into the leville to wait for iris.

After a couple of minutes she walks down the stairs.

"Gladdy!" Iris says, waving at her brother.

"Iris!" He says, waving back.

"Look at you guys, holding your own out there." She says while walking over.

"Haha what can I say? You look good." Prompto says to her.

You give her a warm smile.

"All things considered, you guys are staying here right?" She asks.

"Yep! That's the plan!" You say to her.

"When you have Time we have catching up to do." Gladio says.

"Sure!" She says back.

The six of you making your way to your rooms, it was already late so you all spent some time in one room before a knock on the door.

A man and a small boy walked in.

"Jared and Talcott! Is it good to see you!" Gladio says.

"Prince Noctis! Lady y/n, iris is safe with me!" Talcott says, doing a small salute, you smile at him.

"Please excuse my grandson, he has yet to learn his manners." Jared says.

"It's no problem!" You say.

"Yeah, I like it." Noct says.

"You higness and ladyship are very kind but we shan't impose." Jared says.

"A very good night to the both of you!" Talcott says bowing slightly before he and his grandfather leave the room.

You all take a seat around the room as iris tells you all what it was like in the crown city, it was a tragedy.

Iris told you all that she heard word of lunafreya passing through town.

You sighed in relief, at least lunafreya was alive.

She then bid you all a good night's rest and left the room, the five of you all got ready for bed.

A dream came to you while you slept, a sudden power had awoken from within you, a power that rivalled that of lunafreyas.

You woke up, thinking nothing of the dream, little did you know that the powe in your dream was a vision of what had awakened inside of you...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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