Chapter 3: Lazy Day

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Everyone came back after doing their tasks but it seems like something is off

Cyborg: "I checked the cameras but it doesn't show her physically coming to the tower, she just randomly appeared!"

Beast Boy: "I couldn't pick up her scent anywhere.."

Starfire: "Nothing was left behind either."

Robin: "This is weird... Raven did she say anything else?"

Raven: "No, she just wanted to talk to Beast Boy the most..."

Robin: "We just got to keep our eyes open for anything else because Terra showing up and disappearing doesn't make sense."

Beast Boy: " doesn't.."

Beast Boy walked away from the group and headed towards his room

Raven followed him, "Beast boy..."

No response, he kept walking 

Raven: "Gar please!"

He stopped in his tracks and looked at her. She noticed that there's pain in his eyes and was about to cry any second

Raven: "Remember what you said to me outside! You got us to depend on..not just yourself.."

He gave a small smile, "I did say that..I just don't know what to do anymore..."

He opened his room door and was about to close it but Raven put her foot out. She went inside his room and just looked around. She grabbed his hand and dragged him to his bed

Raven: "I can't transform myself as a cat to make sure you are okay but I can keep you company in person..."

Beast Boy: "What do you mean?"

She looked at him and tackled him down to his bed just hugging him

Raven: "We can just cuddle...if that's okay with you..."

Beast Boy was speechless and froze but later returned the hug and smiled

Beast Boy: "Sounds good to me..."

The entire day they just stayed in bed and enjoyed each other presence, sharing their likes/ dislikes and even their taste in music. So after the sun was setting and it was time for bed

Raven: "Today was fun but I should start heading to my room.."

She slowly started to get up when Beast Boy pulled her back down and wrapped himself onto her

Beast Boy: "Don't go..."

Raven: "I've got to go-"

Beast Boy kissed her, "please..."

She froze, "I-..."

Beast Boy: "Please tell me you feel the same way..."

She close her eyes, "I'm scared of hurting you...I don't have full control of my powers, I'm not normal...I just don't know..."

Beast Boy: "Nobody is normal, do you think I'm normal??"

She shook her head in response

Beast Boy: "I know your background but I don't care! Raven I care and adore you...please just let me in..."

She looked straight into his eyes and noticed that he was being serious, a tear came running down, "I'll stay..." He responded with a peck on the cheek and said, "thank you."

They embraced each other through the night and slept comfortably

The next day came and Raven was awoken by the sun hitting her face, she groaned and tried to escape the sunlight but instead she rolled out of bed and fell to the floor.

Raven: "Oh god.." She rubbed her eyes 

Beast Boy heard the noise and jumped out of bed, "What happened?!"

He noticed that Raven was on the floor and chuckled a little, he stuck out his hand and said, "Are you okay? Do you need my help?"

She grabbed his hand and said, "I'm fine, you should really get some blinds for your room. The sun scared me!" She started to chuckle as well

Beast Boy grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a kiss, "Good morning Rachel.."

She blushed, "Good morning Gar.."

Beast Boy: "Do you think the Titans won't notice that you weren't in your room last night?"

Raven: "God I hope they didn't notice! I should go though, need to get dressed."

Beast Boy: "Going out today?"

Raven: "Yeah wanted to go to the book store today, they are having a sale today!"

Beast Boy: "Mind if I join ya?"

Raven: "Sure let's go!"

She opened a portal to go to her room, "Be ready in 30 minutes!"

Beast Boy: "Got it! Can't wait!"

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