Chapter 17

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I suck so bad at updating! I've been super busy with school and everything as usual but anyways here's the new chapter... I made it longer than usual to make up for the lack of updates.

(Perrie's POV)

My grip tightened on Jade's hand as we pushed through the mosh pit of people dancing. I wasn't sure where we were going, but I didn't really care. I knew that as long as I had Jade by my side, it was going to be a good night.

We found ourselves in the center of the club, where there were hundreds of people surrounding us. Leigh and Jesy started dancing to the music so Jade and I joined in. It was my first time clubbing properly and so far, I felt awkward and out of place. I felt like I was dancing badly and that I didn't belong. As I swayed my hips back and forth to the music, the idea of drinking came back to me.

I got Jade's attention and pulled her close to me so that my lips were inches away from her ear. I had to yell in order to be heard over the blaring music.

"Let's go over to the bar."

Jade looked at me with a puzzled expression on her face.

She leaned close to my ear and asked, "You're drinking tonight?"

I leaned back a little and nodded my head to say yes.

Jade smirked and yelled, "Alright, we're gonna have some fun tonight!"

I laughed and pulled her towards the bar. When we got there, Jade took control, knowing that I was inexperienced when it came to ordering alcoholic drinks. She caught the attention of the man behind the bar who seemed to be the one handing out drinks. I only caught some of what Jade said to the guy because of the noise, but what I did hear was some exotic sounding words that I had only heard once or twice before from listening to Leigh-Anne talk about her nights out.

Less than a minute later, Jade handed my drink to me from the bartender. I thanked her and she nodded her head and took a gulp of her drink. I looked down into the liquid inside of the glass I was holding. It was a light pink color, pretty, but it made me a little nervous. I had never had an ounce of alcohol in my life before, other than a little bit of champagne during special occasions, so it was all a new and scary experience. I mentally shook my head and brought the glass to my lips, taking a small sip of the colorful drink. It tasted strange but it wasn't necessarily horrible to the point where I wanted to stop. I tilted my head back a little and gulped down a good amount. The alcohol burned my throat as it went down. I couldn't help but feel my face instinctively scrunch up at the strength of the drink.

Jade giggled, bringing my attention off the alcohol.

"What?" I asked her with a smile subconsciously tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"That face you just made was pretty funny." She teased me.

"Oi! Shut it!" I playfully smacked her arm.

A few minutes later, after struggling to get through the rest of my drink, Jade declared that we go find Jesy and Leigh-Anne so we can all do a few rounds of shots together. I agreed, setting my empty glass on the bar, next to Jade's.

When I pushed myself off from my leaning position on the edge of the bar, I suddenly felt dizzy. Yep... I was getting tipsy already.

I reached for Jade's hand to steady myself as we began walking around the crowded dance floor in search for our other best friends.

I pushed past the sweaty, drunken bodies swaying back and forth in the mosh pit of people. I kept my grip on Jade's hand. We found Jesy and Leigh-Anne grinding on two guys in the crowd. I rolled my eyes and pulled Jesy away from the man who was too close to her for my liking as Jade did the same to Leigh-Anne.

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