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☆*:.。. 。.:*☆

"Hey, why are you crying?"

Jungkook looked up from his tear stained pillow, refusing to look back at the door. He already knew who it was. His roommate, Hoseok. "Hey, Kook, answer me," footsteps came closer and then the older boy was sat on the opposite bed, looking at his younger friend with worried eyes. "Jungkook," he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, making Jungkook look at him sadly. "I-I don't want to talk about it, okay?" The younger said, trying his best to sound nice and not rude. He didn't mean to sound rude, but he always did when he was sad. "Okay, I won't force anything from you. I need to do some homework, and I need to get to the library, so I'll be there for a while," the older stood up and walked over to his desk, packing a few of his notebooks. "You know where I am, call me if you need anything." And with that, Hoseok had left again.

Jungkook wanted to stop crying, he really did. But he couldn't, the fact that his best friend, Jimin, had gone missing was too much for the nineteen-year-old to handle right now. He had so many things to do, he started college a month ago, but everything had just went downhill from two weeks ago. The first two weeks had gone by smoothly, Jungkook quickly finding some new friends to hang out with and also doing his homeworks and assignments as quickly as possible, just to get rid of them all. Then, he got the phone call from his brother an early morning on a Saturday, telling him Jimin's mother had called, announcing that their son had gone missing.

Jungkook and Jimin were best friends, as well as childhood friends. Back in Busan, which was Jungkook's home town, they had met when they were around five or six years old, and had been hanging out until two months ago, when Jungkook moved up to Seoul because of his choice of college, as Jimin chose the one back in Busan. They had been calling each other a few times every week in the beginning, but then Jimin had started becoming slightly more distant, but Jungkook hadn't thought much of it. Mostly just guessing the elder had a lot in school and didn't have the time to talk as much.

So, for the past two weeks, after finding out, the nineteen-year-old had been nothing but a mess. Sometimes he felt like he was overreacting, and sometimes he felt like he wasn't even close to overreacting. He had talked to Hoseok about it, but didn't want to open up too much. Jungkook had only opened up to Jimin, and he had so many secrets only the elder knew about. He couldn't just tell anyone about his life, well, his brother knew about it, but they were the best of friends as well.

A few minutes passed by, Jungkook tried to calm himself. "Okay, Jungkook, try to think about something else," he said, trying his best to sound calm and peaceful. "I need to do my math homework, and finish my art project until Friday," he sighed and sat up on his bed, drying away the last few tears wanting to stain his already wet cheeks. He stood up and walked over to his desk, opening his math books. "Think about something else, okay?"

Jungkook had developed this thing with talking to himself, usually in these situations, when he was sad or mad, or a mixture of both.

The teen managed to sit an hour doing math, and within that time, finishing his homework. He then smiled for the first time that day, loving the feeling of being slightly productive for once. He put the book in his bag so he wouldn't forget it for tomorrow. He tried his hardest not to think about Jimin, and started to think about food instead, realising he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, it had been way too stressful during lunch time, so he had to skip lunch then. Or well, he didn't have to, but he would rather do that than be around annoying people for an hour.

Jungkook leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. He missed his family a bit, he hadn't seen them in two months. He also missed his brother, who actually lived in Seoul, not that far away from his college, but Jungkook didn't have the time to go visit him. Because even the weekends were usually filled with homework and writing the assignments that would be done a few weeks time, but since Jungkook was a bit like a nerd sometimes, he usually did them weeks before their due date.

But, that upcoming weekend, Hoseok had decided to take the younger out, hoping it would rinse Jungkook's mind a bit just being out with a friend. Jungkook thought it was something at least worth trying, since he was tired of crying himself to sleep nearly every night. Even though he had homework to do, the two went to a cafe a few minutes away from their school. Hoseok's other friend, Yoongi, had tagged along. Which didn't bother Jungkook, he felt comfortable knowing he didn't have to do a lot of talking, hopefully.

They reached the cafe, Jungkook wandering between the warm drinks and then the cold ones. It was October, the perfect temperature outside (according to Jungkook), but did you want to freeze or sweat? "Jungkook, hello? You've been thinking for a while, it's our turn next!" Hoseok said, waving his hand in front of the younger's face. Jungkook told Hoseok he'd like an ice latte, and then couldn't stop from looking at some of the workers. Maybe someone was cute? You could never know. He spotted a boy with dark brown, messy hair, also slightly dark circles beneath his eyes standing behind the counter with a tired smile on his pink-ish lips. "What'd you like?" He asked Hoseok, who told him the three's orders. And Jungkook couldn't help but smile a bit as he saw how the boy's face brightened a bit at the mention of an ice latte being one of the orders.

☆*:.。. 。.:*☆

not fully edited bc i'm lazy
a little peak into jungkook's life, i hope you liked it (•́ ω •̀)

and thank you for 50 reads already!! yay!!

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