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☆*:.。. 。.:*☆

Taehyung had woken up at 6am the next morning, and had headed to work an hour and a half later with only three hours of sleep. The kiss he and Jungkook had the previous night may or may not have become very intimate after a while, and Taehyung hadn't been able to sleep. Falling asleep at 3am and waking up three hours later was something he knew he would regret at the end of the day. Besides the kiss, Jungkook had fallen asleep way earlier than Taehyung, while the older had been kept awake that night; all by himself and his stupid thoughts.

It hadn't been that long since he met Jungkook, maybe two months? Or was it longer? Or maybe even shorter? Taehyung couldn't count, but it felt like everything had gone by so fast, he didn't even know what he and Jungkook "were", nor did neither him or Jungkook know what all these letters actually were. Hoseok's theory was kept in his head. What if what the boy had said was true? Maybe Jimin wasn't the one sending these? But then, the scary question came; then who could it be? And why?

"Taehyung!" The said boy jumped at the sudden call of his name, and then a hand being placed on his shoulder. He turned around, only to see a smiling Baekhyun. "How are you?" Taehyung didn't know what to respond; be honest? Lie? It wouldn't matter. "I'm fine, you?" He asked. "I'm very good, but you seem a bit down, is everything alright? What happened yesterday?" Taehyung assumed Baekhyun was probably talking about Hoseok and Jungkook being at the cafe with Taehyung.

"Oh, nothing happened," he just simply said, shrugging.

Baekhyun was about to say something more, but was interrupted when a few people entered the cafe, and Taehyung had to take their orders. He gave the customers a forced smile, greeting them, as he did with everyone. "Hello, what would you like?" He asked the first person in the line, which was a guy he had never seen before. "I would like a vanilla latte," the boy said and Taehyung quickly wrote it down on the small paper he had next to the cashier.

After taking everyone's orders and giving Baekhyun and Jinyoung the piece of paper where the orders and names were written, he sighed deeply. He was so tired, there was still five hours left of his shift, meaning that he had only been there for three hours, which felt like five. Jinyoung soon started calling out the orders one by one, and one name caught Taehyung's attention.

"Jeon Junghyun!"


The remaining hours had for some reason felt like they had passed by faster than unusual, and Taehyung rushed out of the cafe as soon as the clock was 4:30pm. He didn't know why, but he was running to the subway station, running down the stairs and then running to his platform, luckily getting on the subway that was there already and then taking a seat.

He had texted Jungkook, saying that he would be back at the apartment in less than half an hour, and he had something important to say. Because he really did.

After twenty minutes on the subway, he had rushed out of the subway station, only to be met with rain. He groaned before taking his hood over his head and running towards his apartment, trying his best to not get too wet because of the rain, since it had managed to start pouring down within those twenty minutes of sitting in the subway. He had reached his apartment within two minutes, but was already soaked. He quickly went inside the building, and then to his door, unlocked it and as soon as the door was closed, he leaned back against it, closing his eyes.

Soft steps were soon heard and then stopped making Taehyung open his eyes. A small smile appeared on his lips when he saw Jungkook standing a few feet in front of him, wearing one of his hoodies. "Are you okay?" The younger asked shyly. "What did you need to tell me?" "I'm fine, it's just...a lot," Taehyung sighed, taking his shoes off and then approaching Jungkook. He was about to walk towards his room to change from his wet clothes, but he was stopped by Jungkook grabbing his arm and then giving him a tight hug.

"Don't lie to me, I know you're not fine. Go change clothes and then tell me what's wrong."

After changing his clothes, Taehyung was sat on the bed with Jungkook next to him. Or, well, it was more of Taehyung lying in the bed with the blanket covering his body, with Jungkook next to him, trying his best to give the older warmth through cuddling after being soaked by the rain. "What did you need to tell me that was so important? Is that what's bothering you?" Jungkook asked, looking up at the older who was just staring at the ceiling, his hair still wet at the ends.

"Today at the cafe...uhm, a few people came in to order," Taehyung started, voice low. "And when my co-worker, Jinyoung, started calling out the names for the different orders...uhm, one of them were your brother's name-" "What?" Jungkook stopped him, raising himself by his arm, resting on his elbow. "And I don't know why, but...but for some reason, it just scared me?" The older now looked at Jungkook, who now had his head slightly above Taehyung's, after resting on his arm which made him slightly hover above Taehyung. "I have never in my life seen your brother there before, nor have I ever heard his name be called there," he sighed. "I've worked there for nearly a year and a half, I just felt so scared, I've never felt scared at work before, and it was because of someone I don't even know."

"My brother hates cafes, I wonder why he was there?" Jungkook seemed calm about the situation, and Taehyung didn't like it. He felt annoyed, even if he didn't want to. He quickly sat up in the bed, staring at the younger who just gave him a surprised look. "It didn't feel safe, I wanted to run away from there, how can you be so calm?"

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "Taehyungie, it's nothing to worry about-" "Not to worry about?! Jungkook, your brother made me feel fucking scared, I have never felt that way before. Why did he make me feel that way? It's not normal!" Taehyung got out of the bed, Jungkook quickly following. The older walked out of the room, but Jungkook kept following. "Taehyung, you're overreacting, it's probably nothing special about it, okay?"

Jungkook didn't understand why the older was acting like this all of a sudden. The reaction was too big. But it did worry him.

"Shut up, Jungkook," Taehyung glared at the younger. "It doesn't seem like you understand what I'm saying," Taehyung dragged his hands through his hair. "I understand Taehyung! I'm just saying that it's nothing to worry about, I-" Taehyung groaned and without thinking, he pushed the younger forcefully, making him hit the wall behind him with a small thud. "Shut the fuck up, Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled before walking back to the bedroom and slamming the door close, as well as locking it.

Jungkook was left in the hall outside of the bedroom, slowly sinking down to the floor due to shock at what the older had just done. And without realising, a few tears managed to slip out as well. Why did Taehyung react that way? And what made the older push Jungkook like that? The younger was hurt, not only in his back after hitting the wall, but also because of how careless Taehyung had been. Did he do anything wrong? Maybe his brother visiting the cafe was something to worry about; but why?

☆*:.。. 。.:*☆

you will soon understand why taehyung reacted the way he did (:
lmao i love knowing things

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