[ one ] self centered jerk.

36 3 2

(Denim above)

Looking through the telescope, wondering how and when the constellations in the sky appeared, Autumn is fascinated by the stars in the dark night. 'Ursa Minor' Autumn writes in her notebook. The bell rings to go to her next class. As Autumn stands up, she stumbled into Denim Solenclar - the towns bad boy. Some of her chocolate brown hair gets in her face as she looks up at the tall, tan and well built boy.

"Hey, watch where you're going" says Demin. Autumn gets the death stare from him. She is speechless and bits her lip of nervousness to stop her anxiety. "I-I'm sorry" Is all Autumn could stutter out. He ignores her and brushes past her rudely.

Ignoring his rudeness, she walks out of the room to her next class as well.

The thoughts of why did I do that? and why am so clumsy? Ran through Autumn's mind, what she wanted to know most was why did she even care at all?

In despite of those thoughts, she was also thinking the complete opposite.

He was supper attracti- oh what am I thinking! I could never get a guy like him...

Despite not knowing the answer, she tried her best to ignore the situation and Denim himself. Getting to her next class; english, she sighed and sat down at a random seat, like she did everyday. Mr. Dean walked into the class and immediately everyone ran to random seats as well, scrambling to not get in trouble with him. He was after all the worst teacher ever.

"Okay class! Let's get out your notes from yesterday!" He yelled over some talking from other students.

Autumn took her notes out and a pencil - always being prepared for class and listened for further instructions.

"Today, I will choose partners for you." Mr. Dean started. "You will study with them during after school on Wednesday. For today though, you will get to know your partners - get at least three facts about them to turn in at the end of class." He finished.

After a couple of students were called, ten minutes had passed by. Autumn had gotten lost into oblivion, thinking about the galaxies in the universe once again like usual.

"Autumn!" The teacher boomed, making her jump. The arm that Autumns chin was resting on moved and her head fell straight to her desk. Some kids in the class chuckled. "Ouch.." The girl mumbled. "Oh, look who it is!" Said a far too familiar voice sarcastically. Autumn bit her lip as she slowly looked up at the boy with dirty blonde hair.

Her heart was beating a million times per minute as she looked into his almond colored eyes. They were so calm, so soothing, yet held anger and revenge that Autumn couldn't quite point out. She wondered why in the big brain she had.

"So lets get started shall we?" She smiled brightly at him, trying to catch him off guard - which she achieved quite well as his face flashed confusion. Sitting down in the chair besides the brunette, he groaned as he took out a pencil and paper.

"What is your favo-" Autumn was cut off.

"Yours is yellow, correct?" Denim asked, writing down stuff onto his paper. Autumns hazel eyes glared at him slightly at the question he asked. It was her favorite color; the color of the stars.

The blonde boy turned to her and smirked. "Oh! And your favorite movie is...The Notebook." Her mouth dropped - how did he know all these things about her? She watched as Denim turned back to his paper and wrote that down as well. Two down for him, one to go.

"Y-yes..." She stuttered, a little late on her reply from so much shock.

"Um..what do you like to d-" Autumn was cut off once again. "Favorite place to shop...Urban Outfitters?" The boy questioned her. Her eyes widened but she felt herself nodding as he jolted that down as well.

The brown haired girl had had enough as she pulled his arm back and made him face her, "I need some answers now, pretty boy." She said, glaring at him.

"That was a bold move, doll." Denim replied as his jaw clenched and she squinted her face in disgust at the name he gave her. "I don't like talking about myself, or my life." He stated but went on, "Especially not with people who have everything perfect in their lives like yourself." Denim snarled at her. Autumn gasps and moves back.

"But if I don't I'm going to fail the assignment!" She squealed and threw her hands around in frustration. "You're cute when you're mad." He chuckled. The girl stared at him dead in the eyes and scoffed at his actions, his behavior - he was such a self centered jerk. She thought that what everyone said about him wasn't true, but turns out they were right. He is the kind of bad boy who doesn't care about anyone but himself and the one you can find in the janitors closet sucking on another girls face.

"Your such a flirt." Autumn spat back.

"But you know you like it." Denim chuckled with his deep voice. Suddenly, the bell rang for dismissal and Autumn hadn't gotten anything about him. What was she going to do now?

Just as she was about to close her notebook, she noticed a slip of paper in it. When she looked at it, it was a number. Averting her eyes upward, Denim was long gone and out the door. Autumn bit her bottom lip nervously as she packed up the things, anxious to get home to her family.

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