Stressed,Depressed and Band Obsessed

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Emily: A African American girl. Her hair cut had bangs right in front of her left eye.She had red bangs and ends of her hair.Favorite color is pink,black.She self harms and her best friend name in Alena.Her favorite bands are SWS BVB ETF BMTH PTV MOM FIR AA.

Elena:is a mexican she hides her face be hides her face behind her green hair Her favorite coclor is green and her bestfriend is Emily she also self harms. Her favorite bands are SWS BVB BMTH ETF PTV MOM FIR AA.

EMILY'S POV: I wake up it's moday. "OH SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE!!!", I yell. I run into the bathroom and play "Bulls in The Bronx" really loud . I do my hair put on fish net leggings add my Pierce the Veil shirt with my black ripped up pants.I text Elena  I will be late to school.

Elena:It's ok i give you the english notes 

Me:Great distract the teacher I'm sneakig in now.

Elena: What should I do ?


Elena: Ok.

I herd the bell ringing RING!RING!RING! I run to meet up with the class."Did mr Sachez take roll yet"I said."No but i almost got a saturday school Elena said."Just say I smelled smoke and it was Tyler smoking pot in the bathroom".Tyler was known for beig a pot head I wondered why he stayed i the school bathroon every morning after being expelled. But I guess that's what pot does to you.

There they were BITCH 1,2 and 3.

They bullied me every day since the fith grade and now I'm in the ninth grade.They've caused me to cut several times a day. The longest I've been clean is about 2 days. I've thought about suicide but the only reason i haven't done it is because of Pierce the Veil's Vic Fuentes. He's hot understanding and makes really great music.

"Hey"the 3 Bitches brought me out of my trance.

"Just go kill yourself already" Jessica said.

This really hurt me because Jessica was my best friend until she fell for these goofs. Right at that moment Elena walked up to me. "BACK OFF BITCH SHE SNAPPED GO AND SUCK A DICK!!!!"Elena said.

"OKAY MAYBE I WILL" said Jessica.

Elena hated this cause Jessica to her crush since the third grade. Trent Goldsworth was his name .She loved him to death.Right when Elena and trent were getting close she made up a roomer that she had AIDS ad that was in the 8th grade when she hadn't even kissed a guy.

Immediately after that Mr.Sanchez came up to us and said" who set off the fire alarm" in unison we said" Tyler". He walked off mumbling stupid pot head. Right after that i ra ito the bathroom took out the blade I hid in my phone battery and started cuttig in straight lies blood coming out like a volcanie but it made me feel good it was an outlet.The words Jessica said stuck in my head like swords" Just go kill yourself already" I said repeatedly as i dried up the blood and put it in the feminine trash can.

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