Chapter One

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"Good morning." Nick told Eva from the doorway of the bedroom. She gives a sarcastic smile and groans as she pulls the blanket back over her head. He laughed while slowly walking to the bed taunting her. "You know we have things to do today. Come on princess, you gotta get up." He told her as he sat next to her, almost on top of her. He pulled the covers back as she tried to keep them over her head, but her muscles were weak due to just waking up. "I'll make it worth your while." He whispered into her ear, winking when she could see his face as he straightened his back again. She laughed and hit him on his shoulder, making him almost fall off the bed. "I hate you." She joked. He raised an eyebrow then leaned in for a kiss. She returned it with passion. "The fact that you returned my kiss says otherwise. Oh, and let's not forget that ring you agreed to let me place on your pretty little finger." He picked up her hand and pointed to the wedding band. She stuck her tongue out just before getting out of bed.

"Breakfast is made!" He called from the kitchen as she went to pick her outfit for the day. She stood in front of her side of the closet for close to five minutes before finally choosing something. She decided to wear the dress that Nick bought for her last week. It was a red and black strapless sundress that stopped just above the knee. She decided to put on a bathing suit underneath in case they went swimming at all. The beach was just down the road after all.

As she walked into the kitchen he turned around to look at her. At the sight of the dress his eyes widened and he whistled. "Damn, I got a great sense of fashion. Don't ya think?" He playfully asked. She just rolled her eyes at him before taking her place at the dining table. "So, what's on the menu?" She asked. He waved over the food that was now placed on plates on the table. "Just the breakfast you ordered, milady. Pancakes, eggs and sausage. Although I think you'd rather have my sausage than this box's." He joked winking at her. She let out a low laugh. "You're so stupid." She told him. "Oh, but that's why you love me so." He teased. She laughed a sarcastic laugh, "As if!" She exclaimed, joking with him.

As they finished their meal, Nick went to go choose an outfit as Eva had gone to the bathroom to finish her look. She still had to do her hair, makeup, put on deodorant, although Nick says he likes her natural smell, why she has no idea. She thinks she smells like stinky socks without deodorant. She also had to brush her teeth. She started with her hair, then brushed her teeth and put on deodorant. Lastly, her makeup. About halfway through her routine, Nick came in and stopped her. "You know, I don't like it when you wear makeup. It takes away your truest beauty. Please don't wear any today. For me." He begged. Pouting his lower lip slightly. She chuckled at his action and pushed him back lightly. He wiped off her makeup and she lets him. "Okay, but only for today!" She snarled. He nodded.

"Let's go." He tugged at her hand as he wrapped his around hers. "Come on! Come on! Come on! I wanna go." He begged. She laughed at his childness. He gave one more tug and she lets in. Almost falling into him she stumbles to get her balance as he wasn't expecting her to move.

As they climbed into his 2015 black Jeep wrangler. It was difficult for her to climb in, but she managed to anyways. "So, where to?" She asked as he turned the engine. A smile spread across his lips. "You'll see." He told her as they back out of their long driveway and speed down the road. He had one hand placed on her thigh and the other on the steering wheel. Her hand tracing circles on the back of his hand.

As they pull into a space in front of the theater, she turns to him. "So, what movie is it today?" She asked. They'd seen a different movie everyday for the last month. He nodded his head. "That's not what we're here for today." He told her, letting a smirk little laugh leave his lips, the lips that she then leaned over and planted a soft kiss on. "Then what are we doing?" She asked. Confused as to why they had come to the theater if they weren't going to watch a film. He gave her a small smile, that turned into a grin that reached from one ear to the other. "You'll just have to find out." He winked at her, making her face redden.

They got out of the vehicle and he made his way around to her and put his arm around her waist. He led her behind the building. As they turned the corner her thoughts started to race.

What is he planning? Are we gonna do it in the woods? Omg we're gonna do IT in the woods. I'm not ready. Won't it be uncomfortable? I'm scared. Nah maybe not. He isn't that kinky. Or is he? Ugh this is confusing... And scary.

"Hey, bitch!" She heard a voice from behind her, it snapped her out of her thoughts. "You gonna just ignore me?" The voice asks. A very familiar voice at that. She turned and almost knocked heads with her best friend Roz. "Oh my gawd!!!" She squealed as she jumped into her arms. Roz's wings still unfurled behind her. Just as amazing as ever. To think, she's known this girl her whole life, yet she just found she was an angel 4 years ago. And they're 24!

"Wow girl. Been working out? Just almost crushed my lungs." Roz teased. Although she was the one who held Eva an easy four inches off the ground without struggling. Eva laughed as Roz let her down. "Like you're one to speak." She teased back. Then hearing another familiar voice from behind Roz, she glanced over her shoulder to see who it was. There stood three other angels. Well two angels and one demon. Although he hangs with the angles more than the demons and acts as if he's an angel and not a drop of evil is in him. Still after 600 years, no one knows why he sided with Lucifer.

Anyways, there stood, Jules, Arraine, and Emmet. They all had just landed and we're retracting their wings back into their shoulders. She ran over to them and hugged them each. First Emmet, then Arraine, then Jules. "Why the hell haven't I seen you guys during the past two weeks? What did you all just fall off the face of the ear- Uh, wait, let's not ask that because I know it is possible." She said, punching Jules in the arm. "Ow, lady. Why're ya hittin' me? I'm not the one who said we should leave you guys alone..." He glanced at Arraine, who was looking at Eva with an innocent looking smile spread wide across her face. "After all, it is your honeymoon. Thought you two actually would wanna be alone." He teased trying to be funny, winking at Nick. Eva punches him again, this time harder. "Ow! You know lady, just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I don't feel pain, and that shit HURTS!" He yelled. She laughed in an evil way, "I know, that's the point dumbass."

The others all just stood there laughing at their argument. Jules looked over at Nick with a look that said "help-me?". Nick just shook his head, not able to contain his laughter. Jules flipped him off and Eva hit him again at the gesture. "Don't be rude!" She scolded him. He whined in pain, then gave her a death stare. Oh my. If looks could kill.

As Eva and Jules are over there argument, Nick takes Eva's hand and leads her down the trail. Signaling the others to follow with a quick gesture of a finger. Eva could feel his eyes on her the whole walk. She loved the feeling. About halfway through the 'hike', Eva turned around to see Jules and Roz holding hands. She knew they were together but still surprised by how open they are about it. It's banned by both heaven and hell that a demon and angel cannot be caught in the acts of romance with the other. Usually if you get caught, you're killed with the golden dagger. Somehow, Roz and Jules got away with it. They told both Lucifer and The Throne. Neither did anything but scold them, and lecture them. There are also many dangers of dating one of the other choice. As they already knew. They can't have a child together. Well they can just it'll have gone through hell trying to live being torn apart by evil and pure. He wouldn't k ow what to do with himself. That's just one of the many dangers.

Finally they all reached their destination. It was a meadow, large enough for at least 8 big mansions. In the middle lie a very still pond. They could hear the frogs croaks and the fish jumping. Well, some. Nearby the pond was a huge blanket laid out, and on it three whicker baskets full of food and wine. "This is beautiful!" Eva said, finally catching her breath from having it taken from her by this beautiful view. Nick placed a hand on her cheek, so softly as if she were delicate porcelain. "Just not as much as the girl I'm looking at right now." He told her, looking into her eyes just before planting a kiss on top of her head.

As they sat to eat, Nick pulled Eva over onto his lap. She giggled at his actions. "Has anyone ever told you how needy you are?" She asked him. He shook his head. "Nope, because I'm only needy for you. No one else has a reason to tell me as I'm not needy for them." She smiled at his comment and kissed the arm that lay around her chest. "I love you." She told him. He smiles at the comment. "I love you as well baby girl."

Okay, so I've never written anything this good before, holy shi- I mean crap. Okay well thank so much to everyone that is reading this. I hope you enjoy this story. I'm giving everything I can to this story. I hope it's amazing and I hope you all love it. Thank you everyone. Loves y'all unicorns.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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