Chapter 6:The Letter

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e"Brat come here I want to give you something."Aquarious said as she lended me a-"
Lucy pov
Aquarious said as she lended me a letter and a box."What is it Aquarious?'I asked."Well Brat you can find out later when you finished accepting the gifts."She said with her usual smirk.I just nodded.
(A/N Hey my unucorns sorry for interupting the chapter but im not going to say what her celestial sprits gave her in this chapter,cuz Im gonna write in the next chapter the Gifts with the pics and all ok now back to the story)
-After She got them-
"Ok Brat time to open your last gift for this I have to go"Aquarious said as all of my Celestial friends went back to the Celestial Realm.I looked curiosly at the letter as I opened it slowly.I took out the letter and started reading it.
Dear my beloved,
Lucy I wanted to give this on your 18 birthday but The dragons needed my help.I hope you could forgive your father and I.Your memories are fake and my death was an illusion and Jude is just an illusion.By now your grandpa and brother told you who they are but the didn't know you had a little sister,I also erased her memory and handed her to Granendy when you kids were in trouble.Touch the seal and you will remember everything abd in that box is a birthday present from us and your sister is Wendy Marvel please bring her back to the dragon realm too ok.
Your father and I love you dearly very much.

Hey Kiddo its Your dad.I missed ya so much and happy birthday kiddo.Igneel will come and get you when you look inside the box.

Your Papa and Mama

Mama,Papa I miss you and love you too.I said crying.Ok lucy be brave and open the box.I opened he box and gasped.It was a dragon necklace it was so beatiful.I touched it and rememberd everything.

Mama,Papa!A little me said to my parents.'Yes dear?Mama and Papa answered."Can I have a sleep over at Natsu's house!"I said with sparkles glimering."Well dear you have to ask Igneel first.""Ok Mama"I said

"Natsu-kun"I yelled.He smiled his toothy smike and Waved at me."Hey Luce I missed ya soo much"he said kissing my cheek I just ≥﹏≤ (her face)
"Your so cute Luce,Lucy would you be my future wife."Natsu said knelling down and giving me a necklace as he had one on to."Of course,Natsu I love you."I squeled.Igneel just stand there laughing and chucklimg knowing that we'll keep our promise.Suddenly Wendy popped out of nowhere."Yay Natsu-nii-san and Lucy nee-san are getting married."Stated a 4 year old Wendy while I was 9 and Natsu was 10.Me and Natsu just blushed. 

Suddenly,A dark portal appeared and Igneel got us to safety."Natsu folliw me and Lucy,Wendy go back to your parents,before we did that me and Natsu kissed on the lips and did what we were told too. That was the last day I saw them.

Flashback end

I felt a tear roled down my face.So,Me and Natsu are engaged.I looked at the necklace and it wasthe necklace Natsu gave me when he promised to marry me.I quickly wore it and went to bed.

The next Day
I woke up and took a shower and dreesed the outfit I picked.

Lucy's outfit

Lucy's outfit

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Make up

I put my pouch on and ran to the guild

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I put my pouch on and ran to the guild.Once I got there,I pushed the guild's door open and ran to see but there was no Natsu.I ran up to Mira and asked her."Hey Mira wheres Natsu.""Natsu?Oh ya he fainted so he is in the Infirmary "Mira replyed with a smile.I ran up the stairs and opened the door to the Infirmary to find Lissana smirking."LISSANA WHAT DID YOU DO!"i yelled at her.She looked up at me supriswd."LUCY YOU-YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THAT,WELL NOW YOU WILL DIE."Lissana said that she was about to hit Lucy when"DRAGON SLAYER'S ROAR"Natsu yelled

"Dont you dare hurt my wife Lissana"Natsu Glared at her."N-natsu you remember?"I said."Of course my love."He said with his toothy smile that I missed."Im so sorry Luce She made me drink that horrible potion."He said with a sorry espression."Well might I say you look hot in that Luce I might just fuck-"I cut off Natsu with putting my hand over his mouth"Shut it Natsu"I said blushing.

I let him go and boy was that a wrong choice.He pinned me onto the bed."Lucy,lucy,lucy my dear Luce dont ever do that."he said winking at me."Now shall we go back to the drangon realm and get married"Natsu said.Then  they heard a squel that came from Mira and she fainted."Well I guess that will do"Natsu said carrying me back to my apartment.

Hey My Unicorns this is another chapter cuz Im updating fast vuz I have a lot of Ideas.Well hope you like this one.Should Mirajane's memory should be erased or kept.
Well no ones knows cuz its up to you my Unicorns. Well now should-

Lucy:Natsu stop it.*moans*
Natsu:No my love not untill we finish.
Me:GUYS EWW not here infront of my virgin eyes.
Lucy:Come on Juli we know you lije Zeref.
Natsu:I'll set up up with Zeref.
Me:No I DoNT!!*blushes*Now Go Happy.
Happy:Juli-chan doesnt own Fairy Tail or the characters there done
.Now Juli-chan my fish.
Me:Itz at the back.*Happy runs to the back*Ok gus PEACE OUT.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2017 ⏰

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