Working on it..

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"It's a boy!" I doctors cry over the baby's screams. The mother nods weakly, panting hot breaths into the stuffy room. The man beside her grips her hand tightly.

"You did it babe. You did it." He says softly. He pecks her forehead just as a nurse taps his shoulder.

"Sir, please give your wife an hour or so to rest. She's very weak after all of the labor pains and birth. Come with me and I'll escort you to the guest room." The nurse says quietly. She walks to the door then looks back to see the father kissing his wife.

"I'll see you soon Haru." He says before walking to the nurse. She smiles at him before walking out of the room. They take the elevator down then walked to the guest's quad. They reach a door with a sign above the door reading, 'New fathers'

The nurse opens the door and inside are a circle of men and a doctor on a platform.

"Nurse Sophie! I see you brought another new father?" The doctor say happily. The nurse nodded the left the room, leaving the father standing there like a penguin.

"Oh, you must be..." The doctor trails off as he flips papers on his clipboard.

"Mr.Meadow? Am I correct?" He says looking at the man questionable.

"Yes, I'm Timothy Meadow, but call me Tim, I don't like being so formal." He say as he walks over to the circle of men.

"That's fine Tim." The doctor says looking down at his papers. Tim begins to walk towards the circle. He looks around the circle.

"Sir?" The doctor lift his head.

"Yes Tim? What can I help you with?" He asked.

"Where should I sit?" He says looking to the circle. The doctor let out a sigh as he sits on the stool behind him.

"Hmmm... Jeff?" He calls out to the men. A tall, built man stood up.

"Yes Bill?" He says loudly.

"Could you get Tim a chair from the storage closet?" The doctor asked rubbing his temples. The man nodded then walked out the door.

"Tim?" Tim looks to the doctor.

"Yes sir?" He said in a small voice.

"Any questions about fathering?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Tim coughed.

"I do actually, thank you for asking." He says walking to the podium.

"What's your first question Tim, ask me anything." The doctor asked with a smile. Tim rubbed his neck.

"What would I do if my child is gay or trans? It's happening more now a days but.." He trailed off.

"How do I help them through it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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