Chapter 2

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I totally forgot what the meeting was about. All I remember was that I just sat there and listened to the other princes from the other province bickering. The province I was in was supposedly the most powerful. I thought that too since everyone was one here. The other provinces had definite distinction in classes. Ours definitely had classes as well, but to see a prince or even the emperor having tea with a villager wasn't a 'once in a lifetime' moment. There were a total of four provinces. Bai, Hei, Huo lie, and Hai were the names. Mine, or my pops, was Bai. Hai is the highest in population and is great in trade since they are near the ocean. Huo lie is also a great trad province due to how well they can obtain foreign goods. Hei is... The poorest province due to their lack of relations and reluctance to strengthen any.

I sighed and sat on my little throne. Since we were at my home, I got to sit on my own chair while they sat on pillows. Watching them was boring, but I really didn't care about what they were talking about. Something apparently made one very angry and he began throwing a tantrum, knocking his tea cup onto the ground. Of course it was the prince from Hei Province. Luckily, there was carpet beneath so it didn't break. His servant panicked and tried to pick it up, but they were only hit for being too close. Honestly... How was I supposed to work with people who treat others like this?

"Why don't you do anything," he raged towards me. "This is a meeting where we all discuss! Even last time... Take your job more seriously!"

I saw Sabo take a step forward from besides me, so I held up a hand. He stopped and drew back to his original place. "I do take it seriously. More than you. I can listen and I know this conversation has nothing to do with my province. Complaining about the poor? We don't have that problem," I hissed.

"You- Are you saying you are better?! You greedy noble," the angered one snapped before getting up. "I'll inform my father of your claim of power," he said loudly before storming off.

I wish I didn't have to be the one nominated. Pops was always good at his job. He knew I never liked it, yet here I am. I yawned and got up, "well, one is gone. A meeting needs all to agree, yet one has stormed off. Such a child. We still good? The rest of you."

The other two princes sighed and stood with a nod. We bowed and said some little things before we decided to have something to eat together to talk about the topic between the three of us. These other two were decently close with us. The one from Hei, on the other hand, was probably the one most likely to have a war against us. The topic was about the situation of the 'poor' in their provinces. I honestly had nothing much to tell them but to treat them better.

For us, if someone needed great help, we would help them. Of course we couldn't help with every single thing, so we just helped with the major ones like food and water. We wandered around the garden and halls as we spoke. The three of us ended up talking about other things though.

"Prince," someone called out from behind us. We all turned to look. Sabo lowered his head immediately when he saw us and took a knee. "Your majesties," he said.

"Speak," I told him. "You have permission."

"Yes. I thank you," Sabo replied before standing. "The prince from the Hei Province is in search of your majesties."

"He didn't leave... Boo," the one besides me sighed. "Deming, that idiot. Virtue and bright? Aya... More like... stupid."

"Oh, Bojing~ You shouldn't say that," the other snickered. "You will start a war."

I sighed at the two. "Yan... You two should have come up with something better," I added before we all laughed. "What is he looking for us for, Sabo?"

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