Chapter 7

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I woke up, still tired. Who knew after sleeping so long, you can still be tired... I stared up at the ceiling quietly before rubbing my eyes. Where was I... Where is this place? Aren't I supposed to be in my room? Perhaps I fell asleep in a different room again. No... I've fallen asleep in every room of the palace, so I recognize every ceiling, but... this ceiling is not one I recall. "Where-"

"Oh, you're awake, my Prince," I heard someone say. My eyes widened and I quickly got up. Besides me was a beautiful lady. Who was she? My eyes darted around quickly and I started to panick. Did we- Did I- I heard her laugh softly and touch my arm, "worry not, my Prince. We did not do anything yet."

"... Yet? What... are you talking about? Where am I," I questioned, my eyes still looking around this unfamiliar place.

The girl smiled at me and took my hand in hers. Her hands were cold and soft. They felt nice, but they felt wrong. It felt like someone else's hands were supposed to replace hers. "You are in the Hei Province. You were attacked by someone when you were coming here, then... you forgot some things it seems. I'm the princess. We agreed to marry to prevent war," she said to me softly. She moved my hand to her cheek and smiled at me still.

"Hei... Who attacked me," I questioned. This was all confusing to me. Something was missing. "Marriage? Did I agree? I couldn't have possibly... I'm sorry- I don't know what's happening."

The princess shook her head before kissing my hand. "It's alright, my Prince. It was an individual who attacked you. We don't know why, but he doesn't seem to belong to any provinces. We think he's a foreigner. He's got blond hair and has scars all over. The attacker has been trained to kill." She frowned sadly and her hands shook. "Oh, he was so scary. I thought we had lost you, my Prince."

Seeing her sad made me uneasy. More than sad as well, I felt uncomfortable. Even so, I set a hand on her head and told her, "i-it's okay. I'm still here, am I not?" She looked up at me and smiled again. She then nodded and leaned over to kiss me. I jolted and took a hold of her, shoving her away. My hands shook and I covered my mouth before wiping it. Disgusting. Don't kiss me- you are not the one who- "Ah- sorry- Right now, I'm just... I- My apologies, Princess," I mumbled.

I heard, maybe, a click of a tongue. "My prince, come have breakfast with us. You must be hungry. It will relax you, surely," she suggested with that smile again. I stared and gulped. No. No... Not that smile. I want to see another... Someone else's? Who? My lips quivered as I tried to speak, but I just ended up nodding without a word. The princess nodded as well before she helped me up.

I met with the other princes who told the same story. The same story of the terrifying foreigner. I knew that the westerners were always wanting to get in, but wasn't that only for trade? Why would they try to kill me... The westerners I met were all weirdly friendly and had odd jokes... They wouldn't kill someone like me. It would ruin relations and trade. No one would want to cut off trade... so why was I needing to be killed... What made it clear that he was a foreigner? Blond hair... Marco had... some. Thatch has brown hair that is quite light. Blonde hair was indeed rare here, but... Even the emperor of the Huo Lie Province has blond hair though... but he does own the province of the best trade.

"I want to meet this attacker," I said suddenly. The lot went silent and then started mumbling. "Am I not allowed to see this man," I asked.

The princess went to me and shook her head, "my prince, we fear that you will get hurt-"

"Is your security that bad that I can not see a man behind bars," I interrupted. She flinched and grumbled slightly. "Or do you see me as a weak individual? I wish to see him. I demand to see him," I said clearly. Why did I want to see this person anyhow? I did not know. I just did. It felt fitting...

"No. You may not. My prince, I tell you to rest. You're still a bit off from the attack," the princess hissed softly.

I stared silently before randomly muttering, "fucking wench."

That seemed to enrage them all, which, I don't blame them. I was dragged up by a prince and threatened to get beat up. Who was this one? Somehow he seemed like a bitch. I don't think I ever met him, yet I know that. As a guest, they let me off and just told me to go back to my room. I was led off by a maid. Something about leaving made me happy.

When the maid and I were off quite far and alone, the maid turned to me and took my hands. "Prince, Sabo is doing fine- They denied him medical help, but he's alive! He's alive, our prince," she told me. Sabo? Who was that? I looked at her with great confusion.

"Who are you talking about," I asked her. Her eyes widened and her hands quickly cupped my face. She shook her head. I could almost see the great sadness that washed over her in a second.

"The princess must have done this... Prince... I will risk my life for you, our dear prince," she mumbled. She then took a breath and grabbed my hands again, pulling me off somewhere. "My prince, we are going to meet him. Please be silent, I beg. I wish you to be happy. I also wish Brother Sabo to be happy as well- so I will risk my life... We will risk our lives."

I didn't understand anything, but I did as I was requested. The maid pulled me through halls until we got to a separate building that led down. Who was she? Why would she risk her life? Have I met her before? Why is her life at risk? I was quickly pulled down the stairs and walked passed many filled prisons. There were many people in each, huddled together because they had to. There was no space... This place...

"It is like hell, in this place," the maid continued my thoughts. "You had forgotten, but we suffer. The people of the Hei Province... we are not considered people... We live like trash, but... You told me, told us... That you will save us one day after you flee," she said softly, slowing down. The people in the prisons all were crying, but they smiled at me. "You gave us life, Prince. Our Prince. We will wait, however long... In exchange for what you had given us, we will do what we can to help you," she told me. She looked back at me and grinned happily before pulling me along again.

What did I do to have these people trust me? Did I give them some sort of speech or something? Why can't I remember... Why can't I recall anything? This wasn't my first day awake here. It couldn't be...

"Brother Sabo, your prince... I have brought him here," I hear the maid say. She let go of my hand and knelt down in front of a large prison. There weren't bunched up people in this one. There was only one person sitting there with his hands tied behind his back. He had wavy blond hair that was riddled with dirt and sand. His clothes were tattered, revealing scars all over. This was... my attacker... as I was told, at least.

The blond quickly reacted and lifted his hanging head. He had eyes that were different colors... Though he was all beat up... He was beautiful. His mouth opened slightly and then smiled. My eyes widened at the sight. His smile... the one I wanted to see. I quickly fell to my knees and reached through the bars. The blond scooted forward to my hands and kissed them gently. "My prince... I am well," he told me.

Who was he? What was his name... My precious... My dearest, who? I touched his face with my shaking hands and felt tears bubbling in my eyes. Why was I crying... I didn't understand. He's alright, my mind told me. He's okay- He's alive. "S- S--"

The nameless blond watched me and smiled again, "my Prince Ace..." Hearing his voice made me cry even more. Still I did not know why. Why I was relieved that he was alive,I did not know. Was he almost lost? Did I think he died? Isn't he my attacker?

"He's forgotten, Brother Sabo," the maid mumbled. "The princess must have given him something to fog his mind. So... he doesn't remember-"

"He remembers... He remembers," the blond replied to her. His eyes never left me. He just watched me carefully. "My prince won't forget... those he holds dear... Mn. I hope I am one he holds dear," he chuckled before needing to cough.

I watched the two, then took my hands back reluctantly to wipe my tears. Once I let go of him, I felt like I was missing something again. No... I was missing someone. I was missing him in my life. Even so, I didn't remember anything. If the maid wasn't saying his name, I wouldn't know his name.

"Prince... please try to remember before tomorrow... Brother Sabo... They want to execute him tomorrow early morning," the maid said softly. I tensed and looked to her, then Sabo. "Decide then... whether you want to lose him for the sake of peace, or have him home, but start a war..."

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