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Hey folks of Wattpad, welcome to our humble abode!

Project Moonlark

What's this Project about?

We are a group of wattpaders who have come together to help the lower part of the Wattpad society, especially those who like to write but are unable to and thus get frustrated. We hope to help people through our own experiences! Our group of authors, editors and designers have been put together to help the underprivileged in the wattpad society.

And without further ado let's welcome the admins.

First up well is the main:

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First up well is the main:

Me! HelpProjectMoonlark (A)
I am Rosa and I am 15 officially. I am only in 9th. And my ambition is to become an expert in investigating or at Aeronautics or a Neurosurgeon. Either is fine with me!

1)I am almost always on wattpad!

2)I look after this group and want to see its progress grow!

3)I love animals: Fun Fact I had 2 hamsters - they unfortunately died!I have 2 more now!

4)I love to help others especially other people in need that's why I decided to start this Project and can't believe the response from all my friends!

5)The books I have read that moved me and not the ones on wattpad is - Shannon Messengers - Keeper of the Lost cities series(Its awesome go read it!)

6)Ohh I almost forgot! I play the Violin and sing. I can find notes pretty well! I have 1 more year till I earn my diploma! Yay!

Note to all of the admins from every Single Category: Thank You God Damn So Much!

Next in Line!
The one and only Mother Of Scribes-

squirrelg(ON HIATUS)

My name is Gladys and I have been on Wattpad for almost 5 years! I was first a writer of music (I still am) but I somehow ended up with so many worlds and concepts in my head that when my friend introduced me to Wattpad, I wrote so many stories. I am currently studying a postgraduate degree in creative writing, publishing and editing. I hope to finish a novel soon and get it published, and something more exciting than that would be to have a movie or show made out of it!

In terms of what I can help you with, can I say anything? I have a good eye for things that really work and don't work-I have edited and critiqued a lot of people's stories before. In particular, if you're worried about being too long-winded with your descriptions, have trouble with your characterisation, dialogue and fleshing out a concept, I am the one to go to! I can also help you with putting more emotions into your story (apparently being emotional is a classic trait of my star sign). I strongly believe that a good story can't exist without good characterisation, and emotions are an essential part of characterisation.

Keep in mind that I am Australian so I don't use American spelling. Also, it means that some weird phrases might come out of my mouth (or my electronic device) from time to time... m80

Some fun facts about me:

1)I love science, especially physics. If I wasn't a sci-fi writer, I'd be an engineer.

2)I am ambidextrous (I have no dominant hand)! I can totally stir 2 pots at once! I suppose I was left-handed first, but now I mostly write with my right hand (unless I'm in a really good mood) because it's what I've been brought up to do. Aaaah so complicated...

3)I have a huge appetite and could eat Italian food for the rest of my life. I like to make my own pizza and pasta sauce.

4)I have perfect pitch, meaning that I can listen to musical notes/chords and tell you what they are and if you wanted me to sing a certain note I could do that for you. However, it gets annoying when something is slightly out of tune or when I have to sight-read, because my brain isn't used to the visual representation of notes!

5)For some reason, I love the Nordic countries. I am the secretary of the Scandinavian Club at my uni, and I am currently trying to learn Norwegian and Finnish in my spare time.

3)I want to be an author when I grow up. If not an author, an editor, but I really want to be an author.

4)I LOVE animals, and am probably going to have way too many as an adult. In total I own 21.

(Co-head of Scribes)

Aloha, muggles! This is NeverTrustAnAuthor speaking. I've been on wattpad for 13 months (as of January 2017) and have so far loved every minute being with you lovely weirdos. I'm an Action-mystery-complicated plot writer whose stories usually revolve around sadness and revenge. My writing is usually on the emotional side of the spectrum, and my descriptions tend to be heavy. If you ever need help with or need to talk about anything, feel free to message me :3

~I was the kid in school that teachers told to stop raising their hand~

Fun Fact: I failed english freshman year because I refused to write a two page essay on the personality traits of a two dimensional character. My teacher cried. (Sorry Ms. J!)

Obligated about me section tidbits:

·I'm a slytherin, scorpio, and child of Hades.

· I never read the last quarter of the last book in a series. Ever. I also skip over the first chapter of books I like.

· I am an anti-feminist

·I'm OBSESSED with psychology and will give my favourite characters psych evals.

· I will argue with anyone about anything. (Not in an angry way. More of in a 'Let's see how much nonsense I can spout before you realise I have no idea what I'm talking about' way.)

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