But Kristoph, Nail Polish is Girly

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Eight year old Klavier set his backpack down in the hallway and rubbed his eyes, drained from a long day at school. Klavier planned to eat dinner and sleep right away- he had no time for homework. Footsteps padded on the dark, hardwood floors of the corridor as he moved, not bothering to remove his shoes. He looked up in surprise, though, when he felt hands on his shoulders guiding him to sit on the floor near the coffee table in the living room.

"Kristoph, what are you-"

"Be silent, brother. I intend to take you, uncouth youth that you are, and transform you into a more sophisticated being such as myself," Kristoph himself sat across from him, platinum-blonde hair shining in all of its glory, and Klavier watched in anticipation as his brother rummaged around in a pink polka-dotted shopping bag sitting on the table for a moment. After a moment, Kristoph made a triumphant face, signalling he had found what he was looking for, and closed his hand around the object, pulling it out of the bag.

Klavier snorted in disbelief.

"Klavier, your days of unsophisticated nature end today," his brother declared, fingers clasped around a delicate glass bottle filled with a liquid that was a rather rich shade of red.

"But Kristoph," Klavier interrupted with a laugh. "Isn't nail polish for girls?"

Kristoph sent his brother an icy glare, already untwisting the cap of the polish bottle and grabbing his little brother's hand. "I told you, brother, that I intend to make you more sophisticated. Only barbarians would have the audacity to bother with things such as 'manliness', Klavier." The young boy squirmed around uncomfortably, clearly unhappy with how events were turning out. He tried to pull his hand away, but Kristoph was adamant. He watched in horror as his nails were covered in one coat of red, then two. By the time Kristoph finished with the clear coat on top, Klavier was ready to die. He imagined what the kids at school would say, and mentally cried at the thought.

"Now wait for them to dry, Klavier," Kristoph ordered his little brother. The eight year old recoiled in horror.

"MORE WAITING?!" he whined. "It's already been hoooourrsss, Kristiiiii!" His older brother sighed impatiently, pushing up his glasses and looking up at the ceiling.

"You're exaggerating, Klav," he said. "It won't take that long, just think about something else and it will be over faster. Also, I have told you multiple times that I will NOT accept being called Kristi!"

"Fine," his brother huffed. "But only if you make me a sandwich." He grinned, leaning forward slightly. "After all, that's what I was going to do before you interrupted me."

Kristoph visibly wilted.

"Shut up, Klavier."


A/N: Hello everybody! Welcome to the first chapter of "Shut Up, Klavier", a short collection of stories centered around my favorite Ace Attorney character. Basically the description. If you have followed me from my Fairy Tail story "No Remorse", I thank you for being a great reader and I definitely appreciate your support! Anyways, the inspiration for this entire story was a cafeteria talk with my friends at school, and they will probably be my first readers. Bea, Narisa, Alex, and Emma, you four are awesome (and my only friends haha). Next chapter will probably have to do with Kristoph's glorious hair or a hilarious courtroom idea. Anyways, I also wrote this because I want to get in touch with my other fandoms. Feel free to leave a comment, even if it's just a couple words. It really makes my day, and I'm really thirsty for comments lol. One more thing- every single story will end with the words "Shut Up, Klavier" and that's a promise.

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