Chapter Five

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"I-I-I..." I struggle to find the words to tell Nick what I'm doing, but they don't come out. 'I was cutting myself' that's all you have to say, just say it, damnit!

"I-I w-wa-"

"You were cutting yourself? You're a freak! How could you do that?!" Nick spits the words at me, and I recoil and a flash of pain hits me when I bump my newly slit wrists into the counter behind me while looking for something to support myself with.

"I-I know it's bad, I just feel like there's nothing else I can do-"

"Whatever. I was always told not to trust people who self harm. Get out of my house now, and don't come back!" He says, anger dancing around like flames in his eyes. I thought he was the one person I could trust, the one person I could cling on to in a storm.

But I was wrong.

I felt new tears coat over the dry ones, but quickly whipped them away and shoved past nick to grab my things. On the outside I looked strong, like he didn't effect me, but on the inside questions were turning through my head

Why did he have to walk in then?
Why did I ever think he was a better friend then Chris?
Why am I still crying?
How are these cuts so painful?
Will nick ever forgive me?

But one question loomed above the others:

Where will I go?

I obviously couldn't stay here, nick had made that clear. I can't go running back to Chris, I've already hurt him enough, and he probably wouldn't forgive me anyways. I could call my parents and ask to stay at their house, but they're on a trip out of town and I don't want them to worry... staying at this house this year might not have been the best idea in hindsight, though I guess back then I didn't know things would end this way... so where can I go?

The alleyway. The old alleyways me, Chris, and Aidan played in when we were younger. We set up our own little home there. Hopefully it hasn't been found or torn down, because I can sleep there for he night until I figure his all out. I stuff my belongings into the small bag I brought with me and run it the door, not saying a word to nick when I pass him on my way to the door. He looks as angry as before, maybe even more so... I really need to get out before he does something to me.

I rush out the door , surveying the situation. I recognized the area and relaxed when I saw nick lived right uptown or the streets where we set up our home away from home.

I thought over the days events while calmly walking to my destination, my feet familiar with the way.

Sure, today had been awful- my worst yet even, but despite that I was still standing in my feet, and I was ok. And that was enough.

I popped open my pills and stuck one in my mouth, remembering how I hadn't had one in a few hours. I was feeling uncharacteristically clearheaded, and had a feeling it was due to those little capsules of magic. Though I might have been opposed to them as a kid, I fully accepted them now.

When I got to the alleyway, I was thankful to see the scene looking almost untouched, save for the rust on the trash can and the weathered down tires, the place looked as well kept as the last time I saw it.

I reached into my bag and got out a hoodie I brought along in case it got cold and wrapped up in it. It would have to do for the night. I curled up in the tires and drifted off to sleep, images of yellow hair and cats shifting through my mind... maybe tomorrow will be better



anyways ted is being uncharacteristically happy, I decided he needed a lil happy boost because I didn't want him to be a damsel in distress the whole time...

Last thing- I want to update at least twice a week to keep myself on a schedule! If I don't update until Sunday night, it will be a double update, but besides that you should get two a week!!

Thanks again! Please remember to leave a vote and comment!

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