Will you be mine if i be yours? ~pewdiecry

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~AUTHORS NOTE~ hey guys this is my first fanfic and i really hope you like, if i do anything against the characters and you dont like what i did, its not personal, just trying to make a story. sorry for misspells and lets get started shall we?


I had just finished recording a co-op game with cry and began to turn things off when Marzia walked up to me. "hey Marzia" i said, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"no Felix, dont touch me" she pushed me away.

"Marzia? Is everything alright?" i asked just now noticing the mix of emotions she was showing, she looked angry, sad and confised. She didnt answer my question. She just stared into my eyes, seeming as if she were trying to find the right words to say. "Marz-" she cut me off.

"Felix we cant be together anymore,"

"What! Why?!?" I could feel the anger setting in.

"Im leaving you Felix!" I could tell she was getting angry as well, but i coul see the tears forming. "You spend more fucking time with that computer than you do me!"

Did she not understand this by now? i did that for a living! "You know ive been doing this as my job! You have seemed to be fine with it all this time! Also its not only my job, its what brought us together!"

"well now its what brings us upart!" those were her last words before she grabbed her suitcasses and slammed the door in my face. I wanted to just curl up in a ball and cry. wait, cry.. SHIT. i forgot to close the skype call! i hope he hung up. I ran to the computer and realized he didnt, he had been there, listening. "Cry?" He looked up, his white, expressionless mask, looked up.

"Oh hi..." he said softly.

"did you hear what happend?" i asked, hoping he didnt, even though it was obvious tht he did.

"yeah, so now your living alone i guess." stating the obvious, ok then cry.

"yup" my eyes started to water, started? pewds you have been crying ever since she slamme that door in your face. i wonr if cry noticed the tears. he probly did.

"hey i have an idea. im going to come to sweeden, to keep you company for a while ok?" he didnt give me time to answer and closed skype. 


before i knew it i had already purchased the tickets for sweeden. Was i actully going with this? yes, aparently i am.

~AUTHORS NOTE~ by the way if any of this reminds you of other fanfics on here its probly how i gotz my inspriationz, HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE FIRST CHAPTER! 

Will you be mine if i be yours? ~pewdiecryWhere stories live. Discover now