Chapter 3: code breakers

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Chapter 3: Code busters


Well next chapter yes it's small but that's because I don't want to delete any and I will update as soon as possible.

*Keeper of the powers*

Courtney's POV:

Oh my god do I love these mystic racers. We are having a lesson with Udonna. It's my day off from college and I love doing this lesson. Me and my team are having a race. I feel a little guilty as we fly over Bowen and Clare who are gathering ingredients.

They have to duck to avoid being hit.

"Heads up!" I tell them.

"Coming through!" Xander says who is right behind me.

"Sorry!" I say turning back to look at them before racing off. "Yeah!"

I race on ahead of the others.

"Come on pinky!" I say turning around to taunt Vida. "Try and keep up!"

I then race further on ahead but after a few seconds Vida catches up with me.

"You'd better run!" I hear her say from right behind me and I have to laugh out loud as she misses me. "Almost had you!"

I looked back at her. "You still there?"

I then turn back to see I'm about to hit a tree and I have to stop quickly. I look up to see Vida fly by.

"Who's in the lead now Courtney girl?" Vida mocks.

As a group all five of us ride around the Rootcore tree. I know it is now time to go back to the ground.

"Dismount!" I tell my team and we jump back to the ground. "All right!"

As we go down we demorph and land. We look back up as our mystic racers become broomsticks. They then drop down and we catch them.

"Very good rangers," Udonna says as she approaches. "That's enough mystic racer practise for today."

I feel slight disappointment but I also want to learn spells and other things to sharpen my magic.

"Aw come on," Chip says looking more disappointed then me. "One more lap around the forest."

"Yeah I'm just getting warmed up," Vida agrees. "I want to see what this bad boy can really do!"

"Training can't always be fun Vida," I tell her smiling remembering some of the training I went through.

"I'm afraid she's right Vida," Udonna tells her. "It's time for elementary incantations."

"Boring!" Both Chip and Vida complain.

"Hey I think that sounds kind of interesting," Maddie says.

I nod my head in agreement. "So do I!"

"Only you two," Vida says grudgingly.

I shake my head at her and she turns back to Udonna.

"Udonna the mystic racers are amazing," She tells her as we all walk along. "But now that we're power rangers, don't we get lots of other cool stuff too?"

"Oh yeah," Chip agrees. "I mean no ones more excited than me to finally get to wear a cape."

Xander chuckles.

"Finally?" he questions the yellow ranger. "If I remember correctly you used to come to school with a pillow case pinned to your back."

I giggle at that.

Courtney Oliver: Keeper of the powersWhere stories live. Discover now