Chapter 9: The gatekeeper and the kitsune warrior PT1

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Chapter 9: The gatekeeper and the kitsune warrior.


Ok so the Kitsune warrior is apart of Clare's dad but as he had no son he left the power to his nephew as he died before the war. I wanted Bowen to be some sort of warrior so I needed to come up with something. Please review and I will update again as soon as possible.

*Keeper of the powers*

Courtney's POV:

I am on my way back from the university. I have just found out that I have done really well on one of my coursework's so I am really happy right now. I am just getting on my motorbike when I hear my morpher go off. Looking around and seeing no one around right now, I pull it out and open it.

It's Chip.

"Necrolai has taken off with Toby," he says and my eyes widen. "We need to find him."

"Right," I tell him. "I'll go looking on my bike."

I press 1-2-3 on my morpher and raise it to the sky.



I morph and take off on my mystic moto. I find Necrolai trying to get to Toby who is frightened and trying to run. I jump in between them on my bike and knock her away from him. She screeches as she hits some planks of wood. I stop my bike and turn to Toby.

"Hey!!" I say to him pointing behind me. "Get to safety."

He nods.

"Yes mam! Mrs ranger mam," he says and begins to walk away.

"Okay," I speak getting off of my bike.

The others appear at that moment on their racers. They jump off of them and appear at my sides.

"Back off rangers!" Necrolai commands as she finally gets back her bearings.

We run at her. I aim a punch but she moves me out of the way, aiming for Chip she strikes him and he hits the ground hard. Maddie and Xander also hit the ground after trying to hit her. She then goes for Tony again so I jump in between them and stick my arms out.

"STOP!!" I yell at her.

"Out of my way!!" She yells.

"What do you want with him?" I demand from him.

"The gatekeeper will be mine," she growls. "And you will give me the Kitsune warrior!"

"Gatekeeper and Kitsune warrior?" I question in confusion.

"He and the Kitsune warrior possess more power than all of you put together," she says and I look at the others to see they are just as confused as I am. "I'll be back!!"

She then takes off and I feel even more like I am missing something. We all yell out to Necrolai but she doesn't even look at us.

"What was she talking about?" I wonder out loud.

We all return to Rootcore to speak to Udonna.

"Udonna," Maddie calls to her as she is standing on the balcony.

"Something weird is going on! We just had a close encounter with Necrolai," Xander tells her as we all reach the balcony. She is facing the other way.

"She was looking for someone named the gatekeeper," Chip tells her. "And the Kitsune warrior!"

Bowen's eyes widened and he looks around at his mother who raises her head.

Courtney Oliver: Keeper of the powersWhere stories live. Discover now