Chapter 2

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'Dear... i just wanted to see what are your sisters doing... Aww, aren't they CUTE??' mom said. I was almost to explode!!! I was thinking: 'NO, THEY AREN'T!!' , and i said' Of course,...' . Then she left the room...

Oh and i almost forgot.... my sisters' ages are: Cindy- 5 years, Spike- 7 and Hailey-9 and i'm 14.

And so... they started playing with my stuff.... The only one who wasn't playing was Spike. I got near her and she said 'Get away from me. NOW.' I was like 'Whoo.. wait a sec... WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME TO LEAVE YOU ALONE, HUH?' . And still i did get away from her. I know, it's my sister, i shouldn't treat her like that... so.. SHE STARTED IT.

Somehow i noticed i'm thristy and i walked upstairs. 'Mom!! Mom!!!' i shouted. 'Huh, strange... wait, shes out hunting... oh well.' Then my sister Cindy comes near me. 'Sis.. Where mommy?' 'Shes out hunting. Do you want some water?' 'Sure'. After i drank water, i decided to study... So i walked downstairs.. And guess what!

'HOLY FRECKLE JUICE!!' i shouted screaming. I was almost to explode AGAIN!! :(

'WHAT HAPPEN SIS???' my 3 sisters said. 'Oh well she's so stupid she can't even notice that we painted her room in GREEN!' Spike said with a bad voice, almost thinking shes the eldest of us. I soooooo wanted to take my glove and PUNCH her in the face just so she cn SHUT UP FOREVER!!! >:(

After that i runned upstairs and i wrote something on a paper to mom:

'Mom, Spike is vey mean to me and she painted my whole room with Slime Green. Mom, i don't have any implication in this so don't say i'm guilty.'

I just wondered what could happen now... Sigh..........

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