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Sometimes I wonder why I was sent here on Earth?

And I kept on thinking for a longer period of time but I didn't get any answer to this. But after sometime I thought may be God has sent his every child on some mission here which some people realize and some doesn't or visa versa.

We people have created our own religion and got fragmented and have formed our own ethics about every religion.

But the biggest truth is humanity is the only religion which doesn't fragment anyone instead it takes us nearer to God.

Neither it creates any war nor does it make people critical.
We always talk about protecting our religion but, at the cost of another man's life.

Is it justice able ?

Do you think God want one man to kill another and protect religion ?

No !!

Instead of protecting religion by creating turmoil and killing people we should follow humanity and be real humans.

Have you ever given your thought to social status ?

We people always think about social status.

What would people think ?

What would they talk about me behind my back ?

But we never see that God is above everything. It may be that some things are inappropriate in people's view but they are not God.

We should do our karma and let God decide what is right and wrong.

We all have tapped ourselves into some thing called as "SOCIAL STATUS".

We just want to impress people in order to gain more and more social status but does not want to shift our attention to God who is always their for US.

This article does not mean to hurt people's religious sentiments. Its just about happenings in the society and their repercussions.
To all the readers this is my very first step towards writing so please do forgive my mistakes.
Enjoy reading ✌
Hello readers. As this is my very first step towards writing world I need encouragement that only you all can give.
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