random thoughts bc feels

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i wish i was there... i wish i was there to see you smile. to see you laugh, to see you cry. i wish i was there to comfort you when you're sad, to hug you when you feel alone, to be there for you... to make you laugh, and make you smile. i want to be there to fall asleep next to you, and kiss your forhead and whisper cute things to you. i wish i was there to be able to treat you like a princess because thats what you deserve. i wish i was there to be able to take you on cute dates, and spoil you. i wish i was there to be able to buy you gifts and give you anything you need. i wish i was there to hold your hand, and tell the world your mine. i wish i was there to lay in bed all day watching youtube videos, or supernatural. i wish i was there to have harry potter marathons and laugh when we find ourselves talking along to them. i wish i was there to tell you secrets, and things from my past. i wish i was there to be able to giggle with you, and hold you. i wish i was there to make you happy... because eventhough i know i maybe cant make you happy all the time, if i was there, i'd try my upmost best. because your smile is the reason for mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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