chapter 1

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I sigh heavily as I lean back in my office chair,I have been in this chair for about an hour now and I can't seem to get myself in the mood to start with work.I woke up at 04am today,I needed to get away from that place called home,away from shontelle who keeps bubbling aimlessly and just won't stop,so yes,I escaped from my own home,my own bed to doze off in this office simply because my bestfriend won't shut up! My business hasn't been going well for about 6 months now,something elle won't let me forget as she talks about it every chance she gets.I skipped breakfast today again,I just don't have appetite lately,that's why even though I haven't been to the gym in a long while,I have dropped a few I drove to my office,I thought of how the past few months have been for me,things haven't exactly been smooth for me,most of my prominent clients bailed out on me,my agency which was once doing so well has simply crushed and burnt,what I need right now is a miracle.

In case you are wondering,my names are Evagelina salvatol,but I haven't been called that since my high school days,after graduation,I announced to whoever cared to listen that I nolonger wanted to be called Evagelina but rather Eva,which in my opinion was much more muncho,sexy and chiq,so I have been called Eva ever since,I live with my bestfriend,who also happens to be like a sister,we have been friends from the very first day we met at st carmicheal university where we both studied and majored in fashion,design and photography,she has been there for me through thick and thin,she was there when my mum breathed her last,that was the most trying and difficult time of my life,my mum was my only living relative and I loved her so much,when she died after a short illness I was of course devastated and depressed,I buried myself in school work and completed my course amoung the best in my class,I was immediately personally hand picked by a prominent fashionista called Elanor smith whom I worked for as a fashion assistant for about 2 years before I decided to branch out and start something of my own. am the propriator of house of ivy,a modelling agency specialised in fashion photo shoots,which was once a house hold name until I unfortunately crossed the path of the rich and mighty migel estranova who simply destroyed my life long work.

I sigh once more and check my blackberry for today's appointments,its 07:00am and I know my very efficient workers will be in any minute now,I am so lucky to have such people by my side who work tirelessly everyday trying to rebuild what was once a prominent and respectable agency.

"Did you spend the night in this place?" Asks janine,my assistant whom I like to call jannie even though she hates it.

"Of course not" I answer "good morning to you too jannie,why so grumpy?"

"So,why are you in so early?" Retorts jannie

"Becuase I want to,are you forgetting who the boss is here?" I ask

"Sorry boss lady" she rolls her eyes at me

"Get me some coffee will you?"

"You skipped breakfast again didn't you?" Accuses jannie

I glare at her and she quickly dashes out of my office mumbling something I can't quite get,hopefully In search of my coffee.

My phone buzzes indicating that I have an incoming call,I check the caller ID and it says "elle" I roll my eyes because I haven't exactly forgiven her for the mini arguement we had last night over dinner about my life and business.

"What?" I ask

"Goodmorning to you too hun,still angry at me?"

"Yes" I respond

"Okay,I'll call you when you are less angry and more friendly okay" and she hungs up

What the fuck? The nerve of this woman,she hungs up on me,argh!! She just had to make my morning worse

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