chapter 2

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It has been 2 days since I started the lie about me and ronny being engaged,gossip blogs,wedsites and magazines were all over themselves trying to spread the gossip left,right and center.To say I was surprised at the response would be an understatement,I mean,I know the guy was rich and famous,but hey,did they all have to make a big deal out of this? Magazines carried headlines such as "eligiable bachelor off the shelf" gossip blogs even went as far as to schedule interviews with me just to get the bride to be to tell her story of how she was the one,the lucky one,atleast according to,the very site that was first to make the announcement of my supposed engagement to Ronny lawson.

I drove straight home that day to find my besty Elle had not yet gotten home,I was feeling excited and free,a feeling I haven't had in a long while,I had to tell her what I had done,hopefully she would see reason and not scold me like she always did.since she wasn't home yet,I decided I couldn't just sit back doing nothing,I decided to cook,I haven't cooked in a long while but today I would,yep,I felt that happens to be one of my passions and I do it whenever I get some free time.mostly Elle and I just depend on take outs such a pizza and sub,junk food in short.Today I would treat her to a home cooked meal,besides,I needed to be nice to her right? If she was going to sit and listen to the craziest thing I had done that day.I can't but help wonder how she'll react,she'll probably blow my head off,I roll my eyes at that thought.

My phones buzzes as I am setting the dinner table,I check the caller I-D and I see "Elle" calling.

"Explain yourself!" She yells from the other end of the line

"Huh? Explain myself on what?" I feign innocence even though I know exactly what she Is talking about.

"Oh please Viv,quit with the pretending,you know too well that won't work on me" she yells again.she calls me viv,oh boy,this is bad.

"Am not psyhcic you know,just get to the point" I say

"Multi billionaire and eligible bachelor,Ronald Lawson famously known as Ronny Lawson Is finally off the shelf,this is after he popped the question to fashion photographer and model miss Eva Salvatol sole proprietor of House of Ivy,a modelling and fashion photography agency,the duel are set to wed this summer in paris france" she reads out,obviously quoting from one of the numerous gossip pages on facebook

"This is not a conversation we can have over the phone,get home and I'll tell you excatly what's going on" I say and hung up

What to do? Suddenly,I feel panicky,my palms are sweating and am short of breathe,I have to play this game right,if I have to succeed,I need tot be the grand master,the rest are all pawns on my chess board,I would win,come rain or shine,I will revive my bussines and that is a promise,but to win this game,I need her on board,which is why making her understand is of utmost importance.

About one hour later,Elle arrives looking all wounded and ready for war,I smile sweetly at her and go like;

"Hai honey,how was work?"

"Cut the crap Eva and get on with it" she responds

Arrgghh,so mean and rude,I roll my eyes mentally,I really should learn to hate this one,but God knows I can't,she is my bestfriend,my sister,my confidante,I just couldn't,so I just have to tolarate her rudeness and get myself heard.

"I had to do it Elle" I blurt out,hanging my head

"Had to? Because the whole fucking America is dependent on it? Because world peace is dependent on it? She asks angrily


"Evagelina Romildah Salvatol, you better start talking and you better start now!" She screams

"Don't you raise your fucking voice at me,don't you dare judge me!" I try the counter attack scheme

"Do you have any idea where this whole bloody scheme of yours will land you? Do you? Well,if you don't,I'll tell you,prison fucking prison,that's where"

One of us has to keep calm,I think to myself.breathe Eva breathe,count ten to one and just breathe.I have to make her understand,she is my bestfriend,she has to be on my side,I have to make her listen.

"Remember what you told me last night? About how I had to get back to earth and do something about my business or else I would finally lose everything I have worked so hard for.well,here it is then,this is me trying to save my business,and if it means using some rich snob's rich name to get what I deserve,then so be it! I breathe heavily with my hands rapped across my chest.

"God Eva,I know i said to up your game,but I didn't mean it like this" she gestures with her arms wide open.

"I know what this seems like,but I will make it work,within a few days,all this will be old news,that Ronny guy or whatever his name is will never even get to know about this,in which time,my old clients will come back and I'll get to have more prospective please just let me handle this my way okay.all I need is for you to trust me" I plead

"Fine,am your bestfriend after all aint I? Am suppose to be there right,even through bullshit like this!" She rolls her eyes

"Thanks! I love you boo!" I jump up and down like a little girls as I rush towards her and squeeze her into my arms.

That was two days ago,now am here pacing in my office,keeping my fingers crossed that this press conference am about to hold will go very well.this will be the first time am out in the open,declaring my lies,telling the whole wolrd that Ronny and I are engaged when we are not.I stare at my fingers and examine the ring I have on,a diamond cut piece,quite expenisve must I say,hopefully,it fits for what a gazillionaire like Ronny would buy his fiancee.

"Hey Jannie,gimme a buzz when the press gets here okay" I speak to her through the intercom

"Sure thing boss,will do"

About two hours later,the deed is done,the whole world knows my name,they know my face and they are now just waiting for that "summer wedding in paris" I lied about.not to mention the 4 kids we plan to have and many other lies I fabricated.

"You are one lucky woman miss Salvatol,soon to be Mrs Lawson,congratulations" those were the worlds of one of the reporters.congrats my ass,I rolled my eyes at that,I wish my life was all fairy tale,but it wasn't.God knows Love wasn't made for me,happy ever afters weren't just for me.I wasn't even dating at the moment,let alone dream of a weddIng in not saying I haven't dated,I have,but I always date the wrong one,they mess me up and just break my heart,so after my last bad break up,I vowed to stay away from men,dating or NSA,no men!

"You lot will sure have cute babies" giggled one of the blonde reporters,from her tone,I guessed she was in love or infatuated with this Ronny guy.cute babied huh? Do I even know what this guy looks like,hell no I don't, I should bing him,I make a mental note to myself,I'll do that when I get home.I sigh inwardly and roack back and forth in my chari,it gonna be a long fruitful week,I just can't wait,at that thought,I pick up my purse and head out the door!

Meanwhile in south africa;

Ronny' POV

Am in cape town,gosh I love this place,the weather is warm and I finally get some peace and quiet.not many people know am here,so am safe,away from the buzz and noise that is usually my everyday life.I sneaked out of the states right after giving the donation to the people of st carmen accompained by my closet executive,consisting of my two body guards sean and marv and my PA scott,that's it,reason being,I want to rest,have a few days to myself before I get back to running the empire that my father and forefathers have run since even before I was deep in thought,enjoying the sun set when scott comes with some news that simply took me be surprise.

"You've got to see this boss" he said.

I didn't need to see it second time to get myself up,get on my jet and head right back home,I had to settle this mess and I had to do it as soon as possible! Damn that bitch! I know her type and I will make sure she pays for this!

"Eduardo,get me all the information you can on a lady called Eva Salvatol"

Its going to be a long week,I think to myself as I disembark my jet and no,that doesn't bring a smile to my face.

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