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YEAR 2016:

'Madhu Madhu! Where are you my dear? Please come back to me. Don't leave me alone. Madhu Madhu can you hear me? Please Madhu. Come back to me. I am nothing without you. Madhuuu...I can't live without you'.

'Doctor! Doctor ! The patient is shouting in his unconscious state.'

Within few seconds the Doctor rushed inside ICU. They gave him a strong sedative. He woke up in between shouting for a girl, 'Madhu'. With the critical condition he is in Doctors thought that he would slip into coma. But nothing happened. He was very much alive. Both mentally and physically. But he was under constant stress.
The chief Doctor looked at the patient. He quickly made up his mind on what to do about him. He came out of the ward.
'Doctors I expect your presence in the conference room at 1 pm. Every one of you must be there'. He made the announcement and quickly moved to his cabin followed by two nurses.


'Sir what are we gonna do? He is alive. But he is still not alright. Moreover the burns on his face has scarred his face. It's gory. It would be like that forever. We can't do anything about his face' said a Doctor.

'Doctor but beauty is not the only matter. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder' said an another Doctor.

'You are right. Saying is easy Dr.Krishna. But its hard to live with the scars and almost burnt face. Its better we do something about it'.

The chief Doctor looked at the Doctors arguing regarding what must be done on the patient. He wanted this patient to survive. He is the only miracle survivor in the accident. Two days before a private Bus lost its path at night and fell from the highway. Unknown to the passengers it caught fire. And no one survived except him. All died in that disastrous accident. But he survived. He was in a critical condition, with burns throughout his body, with a brutal stab behind his neck. The Emergency Nurse thought he was also dead. But while pulling his body from the bus they felt his pulse and brought him to the hospital immediately. Their operation was failing since he was severely injured but luckily his heart beat was steady. All the Doctors could conclude was that  this man had extraordinary determination and strength which over powered death. The Chief Doctor who hasn't encountered such type of case in his 40 years of expertise used every possible means to bring him back.

All of a sudden a voice interrupted the Chief Doctor.

'Chief! His vitals are failing. Come soon Chief!'

The Chief Doctor quickly moved out. Now his thoughts were focused on saving him. He looked at the monitor which showed his irregular heart beat. Our life is strangely decided by this line. Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going because a straight line even in an ECG means we are not alive.
The monitor showed an almost straight line. The chief doctor, a renowned cardiologist saved him yet again with his expertise.

'Doctors!' he called everyone present in the room.

'I have decided that our Hospital is going to do a face transplant' the Chief Doctor said with a thoughtful look.

There were muffled voices echoing around hearing the suggestion.

'Sir but the procedure is risky and it requires huge expertise.'

'Yes that's why we are going to call the best Doctors around the world who had already done it. In India we have no such specialisation and  awareness...Far before we gain the knowledge Foreign countries had already performed this procedure. The world's first full transplant was completed in Spain in 2010. Moreover this operation requires 8-36 hours. So Doctors you all are staying in till the completion of operation unless otherwise there is an emergency'. 

'It's a very costly procedure. So far no one has come searching for him'.

'The management would take care of the cost. Never mind we will find his family.'

'Doctor but why are we taking so much risk for a stranger? It is our Professional Ethics. But there are a lot of disadvantages doing the transplant' another Doctor said.

'What if he survives? What if he becomes hale and healthy as before?' the Chief Doctor interrupted.

The other doctors remained silent. 'Think! What if the patient is your son? Like a brother or father? Wouldn't you have tried every possible means to bring him back alive. That's what I am doing. If I have a chance and I didn't do it then am going to regret it life long. I already lost my son in the same accident. I don't want another parent to suffer the same'.

All the doctors silently agreed. The hospital management too agreed as it would bring in a lot of publicity.


'Doctor! Nurse! anyone here?' A confused patient shouted. He was feeling rejuvenated after long time but he was confined to bed. Hearing no reply he got up from what he assumed to be a Hospital Bed. The wires connected to his body prevented his motion.

'Am I that sick?' He wondered. He wearily took away each wire when the Doctor came in.

'Are you awake?' the Doctor questioned him puzzled.

'Yeah I am. Any problem? he asked nonchalantly. 'You seem to be like a Doctor' he said.

'Yeah I am. I am the one who treated you'.

'What?' Slowly memories came rushing to his mind as he stumbled back in shock.

'Madhuuu!' he let out a painful cry.

'Is she your lover?'

'Yeah. If you saved me then why am I still here? Am going.'

'You will be discharged within two days and... You have to know something.'

'Look Doctor I would be grateful and indebted to you throughout my life for having saved me. But I have no time. Is that something really important to me at this point of time?'

'Yes it is. Coz you are no longer whom you used to be.'

'Then who am I?' He asked confused.

'Rishabh Kundra'.

The Senior Doctor proudly went to inform his colleagues about the success of the transplant when a Cleaner came running to say something.

'Sir that face transplant patient. He...escaped!'

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