Part 2

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Thanks for your lovely response friends... Here we are coming to the end of this story. The concept I had in mind started as something else... And what it now turned out to be, is something entirely different. I hope you do like the flow of this....

Some parts may be illogical... Kindly apologize for the mistakes...

And finally... Happy reading!!!



RK cursed under his breath. His new Car had hit a Scooty just 2 milliseconds before. What a day it was? He did a silent prayer to God to give him strength to face the upcoming calamity. The road was heavily crowded. His reputation is gonna fly off within few minutes and the onlookers would get free entertainment at the cost of him getting slaughtered. Slowly, very slowly he got down. But he got shocked to hear a girl's voice.

"Hey! You fool come out dog! Can't you see what your good for nothing Car has done to my Scooty? Hello!"

RK smiled hearing the melodious voice. He was reminded of the devotional songs that his father sings everyday in the Puja Room. He had a pleasant smile on his face. The girl became even more angry seeing him smiling.

"Excuse me! This is not a joke." By now all the people had already crowded around the place to solve the commotion. Or to expand it further.

RK's trance broke hearing her. "Your voice is musical!" Then he looked at the owner of the voice. His breath knocked out of him as he looked at the angry girl. He looked at his life staring back at him.

"You are even more beautiful than your voice!"

Madhu was slumped hearing it. This man who had hit her Scooty is proudly complementing her in front of a crowd. Seeing the intensity in his eyes and the sincerity of his words her cheeks turned a slight pinkish colour.

"Stop it, will you?"

"Why should I stop? It's my right to admire something which is beautiful."

Madhu's mouth formed an incoherent 'O' shape. She quickly composed herself. She looked around. Everyone was looking at her curiously or sympathetically. A teenager came out from the crowd. "Any problem Madam?"

RK fumed hearing him. He could see the girl he admired turn back and look at him. RK sprang to action seeing it.

"Can't you see we are talking? Who are you to interfere? It would be good if you mind your own business." The teenager getting an open threat from him moved back fearfully.

"Madam ask me whatever you want. I will give you" even my heart! He said to himself.

Madhu looked at him incredulously wondering if he is real...she looked at the small damage and turned to him. The rear brake light and the indicator was broken. "Will you get a new Scooty for me?"

"That's it. You will get it" RK said proudly while all the onlookers including Madhu gaped at him.
Madhu asked again "How can I believe you?"

RK wondered and quickly gave her his car key taking it from his pocket. Madhu gasped. This was unexpected.

"Have this as assurance" RK replied coolly. "This is not just a CAR, it's a CAAAR."

Madhu didn't know whether to laugh or cry hearing him. He was so innocent. "Then how will you go home?"

RK looked at Madhu amused. "I like it! If you are worried for me why don't you drop me in your Scooty?"

It was now Madhu's turn to be amused. Which sane man would give up a car as assurance? But she was convinced...he is insane from the time she met him.

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