Part 1

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RK walked along the busy market area, the stance of a defeated man. He didn't know what happened to him. He was shocked to find out that four years passed without his notice. The accident has wiped out his memory. He knew his name was Sultan. He was an orphan. He grew up in a home run by Christian nuns. He studied hard and got seat in a reputed Engineering college. He even got a job in MNC. But after that? Try what may he couldn't remember. But he could say one thing. His name is closely connected with Madhu. He once again wondered about the unknown girl. But the very name brought peace to his mind.

It was night time. RK was wandering in the Beach. His favorite place from childhood. He saw many couples romancing in an isolated area. He smiled seeing it. Suddenly a thought occurred to him. 'Is Madhu my lover? Oh god how will I find out?' He whined. 'Something. Somewhere. Someone will help me. Must help me search for her. She must have played a major role in my life'.

He stood up to go away from there. Tiredly he walked out of the surrounding cursing his fate. He looked at a shopkeeper selling bangles. But he wasn't looking at the bangles but something behind it. A mirror! His face! OMG! What happened to him? Did the accident convert his face to an handsome one or what? 'Who am I?' This new man staring at him?
He quickly ran towards the hospital not wasting any more time helplessly.


RK sat inside the doctor's cabin deeply disturbed. 'Doctor I am indebted to you for saving my life. But this is not me. I am sultan. Not Rishab Kundra. How am I changed? I am feeling so helpless Doctor. I loved a girl named Madhu. I have a gut feeling that something bad has happened to her. I don't know whether she is in trouble because of me...Hell I don't even know where she is. Moreover' he stopped taking a breath. 'Worst I don't know who am I? I am sorry for going out without your notice..'.

'Young man! Allow me to speak.'

RK quickly became silent.

'Our hospital staff found you in a dangerous state. In the accident you were the only one who survived the fatal injury.'

RK watched the Doctor silently though his inner self was in a fight.

'Your face was badly damaged along with your other vital organs. We were able to save you. But your face won't heal. Won't heal at all! The burns had damaged your cheek bone. And your lost both your eyes in the accident.'

RK looked shocked but sat still processing all the information.

'So we did the best what we could do. This was a milestone in the Indian Medicine. A face transplantation surgery. The first ever in India'.

RK knew where the conversation was heading to. He nodded silently fortunate enough to be saved.

'And your face is my son's face'.

RK looked at the Doctor confused. A tear escaped the Doctor's eyes.
'He was dead in the same bus you travelled. He was my only son. I couldn't pull myself together to look at other patients. At that time only you were alive. Looking at you reminded me of my dead son'.

'So why you operated me?' RK asked him with an indifferent look.

'No I wasn't in the position to attend other patients. I am a father first. Doctor next. Your case was different. You were young. You were fighting against death each second. To be alive. Moreover you took a girl's name even in your unconscious state continuously' the Doctor stopped.

RK nodded and said 'Madhu.'

'No person should suffer my son's fate. That's why I treated you. I got the courage to bring you back healthy.'

RK silently nodded. 'Tell me about your son.'

The Doctor stared at him reminiscing his joyous moments with his son.
'Rishab Kundra. My first son. My wife died due to complication post delivery. I was so heart broken at that time. I almost gave up my practice for 3 months'.

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