How to get on the Reading Lists!

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Our campaign's reading lists are the most popular feature on our profile. We have numerous submissions sent into us on a weekly bases. Along with that comes a ton of questions; questions  that we will answer here. Please read through this whole chapter before messaging us about the reading lists. 

In order to submit your story for our reading lists you have to do a couple of simple steps:

1. Add the hashtag #ProjectBadBoys to your story. Just the hashtag. You don't have to add a badge or banner to your cover if you don't want to.

2. PM us the link to your story and let us know you want it to be considered for the reading lists. Links posted to our profile will not be accepted. They must be sent to us directly.

When our campaign was first starting up, this was all you needed to do in order to get on our profile. However, as we've grown, we now realize that is no longer feasible as there are just too many requests being made. Due to this the ProjectBadBoys team has decided that we will be combing through submissions before we add them to our reading lists. This means that not every story will be accepted. 

How can you better your chances of getting on our reading lists? 

1. Thoroughly edit your work before submission. Stories with a lot of spelling and grammar errors will not be accepted.

2. Have a solid summary.

3. Have a strong opening chapter. 

These are the three things the admin team will really be looking at as we read through the submissions. On top of that we want to promote books that really do the bad boy cliché justice. So while we're not judging these things some added bonuses would be; strong titles, eye-catching covers, and unique storylines. 

Our campaign is very open to all genres and content. We accept fanfiction and mature submissions (even though a lot of other community profiles do not). It is quite literally a free for all. However, we do have a couple of rules:

1. The ProjectBadBoys team reserves the right to remove any work at anytime. 

2. All stories added to our list must have three or more chapters upon submission.

3. If an ongoing story hasn't been updated in three or more months it will be removed from our lists to make room for more active stories. The only exception to this would be if the ongoing story has a reservoir of chapters available for new readers; i.e. ten or more. 

All story submissions will go through the same consideration. You will find out if your story has made the reading list through your notifications. Keep in mind that since we are taking the time to read a sliver of each story that your submission will not be added right away. It will take time. But in the end we feel like this is necessary. 

Whether you get onto one of our reading lists or not, everyone is free to continue using the hashtag as well as the badge and banners. We will not be policing their use. We want you to use them. Not only do they promote our campaign but they also give your work another way to be discovered. If you have anymore questions please leave them below!

Thanks so much for your interest in our campaign! 

– The ProjectBadBoys Team

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