Chapter 6: Threats & Promises

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As I sped to LaFontain Farms, all I could think about, aside from how mad Mom would be if she saw how fast I was driving, was how I was gonna keep from choking Dax. If he had something to say to me, he should've said it to me, no one else. The fact that he approached my mom, knowing I wouldn't be there, and that Dad would most likely be in the fields, crossed the line. I took it as a threat, not against me, but my family.

I knew mom was worried when I left, wondering how far I'd let my temper take me. To be honest, I was willing to let it take me as far as I needed to to get my point across. Luckily, the drive to the factory calmed me slightly, since I took some of my anger out on my bike, which was always obliging.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I tried to keep my mom's face prevalent in my mind; she'd be pissed if I ended up getting arrested. Keeping my emotions on lock-down most of the time had caused them to go a bit wild when I let them free. Even though Dax had lit my fuse, I didn't want to completely blow up on him.

The receptionist eyed me as I walked in, already on guard. "May I help you?"

"I need to see Dax."

"Is he expecting you?"

I leaned against her window and smiled. "Oh, I'm sure he is."

She pressed something on a panel beside her. "Sir, Mr. Brogan is here to see you." Now I understood why she was so nervous when I walked in—she knew who I was.

"Send him in." As soon as I heard his voice, anger started to rise up in me again.

She waved her hand in front of another panel, which caused a door next to her office to open. "Please, follow me."

She looked me up and down, probably looking for a weapon, as I walked through the door. Apparently, my reputation preceded me; a reputation that I'm sure the LaFontains had established. We cut down two different hallways before she finally stopped at one of the doors and smiled at me. She was nervous, but I didn't know if it was me or Dax who was causing it.

"Come in," seemingly came from nowhere as I heard the door unlock, prompting her to open it and motion me in.

His office was as expected for a spoiled tyc's son who never had to work for anything because it was always given to him. The wall behind his desk was nothing but glass, tinted so the sun was diluted, as well as for privacy, I'm sure. His desk filled half of the room, bulky and made of what looked like a heavy wood topped with marble, making him look like a little boy in comparison. As mad as I was, the sight of him almost made me laugh—what a joke.

"So, what brings you here on a day such as this?" He smiled as he leaned back in his chair.

"You know what brings me here, monkey ass."

"No need for such harsh words, Mr. Brogan." He leaned forward, propping his arms on his over-sized desk. "Please, have a seat."

I walked toward his desk, but didn't sit, leaning on the edge of the smooth, cold marble instead. "Don't ever step foot on my property again. If you need flowers, I would advise you to get them from someone else or have one of your minions go pick you some."

He laughed. "I thought your family could use the extra money, seeing as how—"

I slammed my fist down on his desk instead of into the side of his face. "I don't need anything from you, especially your advice on who I associate myself with. If you've got a problem with me, talk to me about it, no one else. As a matter of fact, if you happen to cross my mother's path again, I suggest you find another path. Don't go near her, or even look at her, again. Do you understand?"

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