Preserving humanity

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I glance out the frosted window and see the crystal ice as it lays on top the snow sheltering it protectively.

when you say winter 'snow', is what everyone thinks of. You imagine yourself throwing snowballs and making snowmen. All while ice is being remembered as the hard cold slippery substance that you slipped on last year and broke you wrist on and yet it pertects snow all the same. Not hear though. Here we never go outside.

I slowly regain my attention back to the topic at hand. But only for a moment or so. For I soon find my myself glancing out the window once again only this time I see the ground and it's untouchable glory without a single footprint to graze it's surface. It resembles a white empty canvas without a single splotch of paint. Waiting and hoping to have an array of colors displayed apon it to tell a story all it's own.

A sharp voice calls me back and and I am in class again. I try and focus my attention back to the the topic but I feel my imagination pulling me back, urging me to steal one more look out the window. I take a short quick glance outside, and before I know it I'm there. I can picture myself outside free with the wind as it dances across the valley and greats me nipping my nose and opening my eyes; awaking me and allowing my self to see with clarity. I can imagine the cold sharp air as it raises threw me freezing my lungs with a fringed freshness and i take deep breaths inhaling the icy free air I think to myself I can go any where, do anything , be anything!

All of this perplexing beauty swirls around me and then in an instant it's gone. And I am once again trapped inside an unbreakable prison, or more commonly know as, science class. The class that I am caged in for a 40 grueling minuets.

My science teacher drones on about the mass of objects and proportional quantities along with midterm preparation. Zeak sits behind me repeatedly taping his pencil on his desk as loud as he can seeking the cheapest attention that he can find.

Its ironic though, that I'm feeling so trapped and helpless here and all I wish is to be free and careless outside; dancing along side the rumbustious wind while frolicking on top the protective ice with my feet stoping threw the slumbering snow. Me outside painting a picture on a blank canvass with my imagination my equipped paintbrush. All that only a few feet away.. The only thing separating me from it is my thoughts, that and a mer peace of glass. if I really wanted to, I could break free. Jump out the window or just get up and walk away. Nothing's stoping me. Nothing physical anyway.

"Ok you're going crazy," I think to myself "Just try to at least pay attention, just a little bit." But I can't hold on much longer.

I wonder if Miss Bunts would notice if I feel asleep?She probably would.

Even though she's thirty that woman's a beast. She knows so much about science I wouldn't be surprised if she inhaled every science book known to man. It's really amazing actually.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was like superman and that she's actually from another planet. Only this planet would be like planet 'smart-ocon' and the people there only communicate using numbers and symbols. Science (a.k.a boring) being there fluent language. Only her criptonate is children.

She try's to be in charge and strict but controlling is not one of her super powers. She has eyes like a hawk and if she catches you be for you do something big well then your plans are eternally foiled; although, if your sneaky enough to start something like a paper wad rebellion, well then, she loses the little power she has.

A begin to feel my subconscious pulling back to the window once again right when I hear the bell ring.

Thank god! I think to myself. I try to leave the room as quickly and as quietly as possible so that I can escape before Miss Bunts can had out the nights assignment. I make it out just in time. I can hear her begin to call my name to ask if I received the homework but I'm already gone, spiriting down the hall way.

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