Chapter 2

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Once mr gardener has finished rambling on about the second American civil war on fracking and the national debt I begin to day dream about what it would have been like to like on earth before the change.

In a simpler world that's not contained and restricted. A place where i could go anywhere? It's sounds almost like a dream.

I guess I had been daydreaming longer than I though because before I know it the bell is ringing and Half the class is out the door.

I walk down the dimly lit hallway to room 2064 when I feel small clammy hands grab my head from behind and cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" Says a high pitch squeal from behind me.

"Oh hey Junie." I say as i look down at my best friend. She's a short skinny brunet with long light highlights and she has large dark eyelashes match her tan completion. she has beautiful dark chocolate eyes with yellow golden flecks that make her eyes seem to sparkle with excitement.

"Soooo how's your day been?" She asks walking next to me.

"Oh you know the usual... An annoying Mrs. Bunts, a boring Mr. Gardener. What about you?" I say with less enthusiasm than expected. Normally I'm excited to see Junie but today I wasn't focused. I was in Some sort of daze, were nothing felt real. It all seamed like a dream.

"Oh my day's good. Where are you off to next?"

"Really Junie you haven't memorized my schedule yet?" I ask her jokingly as we turn the Conner.

Junie and I have been friends for what feels like forever. Im more of a free sprit where as junie, well... junie has what i like to call a trapped spirt. She isn't always that outgoing and doesn't often like to be noticed. in public any way. You should see her at 3 in the morning when she's hyped up on snickers and mouton dew. Now that's a 'free spirt'. When she's in public she try's not to be noticed. she normally wears plan cloths and almost always wears some sort of golden jewelry along with a golden ear cuff that I've never seen her without.

She's a really funny and curious sometimes and yet she won't do some of the crazy things that seem to be right down her ally. She's always bubbling with curiosity and yet if you ask her the wrong question she seals up like a clam. Sometimes it seems like she's holding back. Now sone people are naturally shy i see it all the time. but junie shes different. Outgoing and yet timid. She acts fine on the outside but i can see how she feels no matter how hard she try's to hold it in. she acts like she'll be punished if she dose anything to bring attention to her self.

After walking down the west wing we turned left to enter our adaptation class. We walk in and choose our seats randomly. Junie and I sit down next to each other at one of the tables in the back of the class just as Miss Nesbit walks in.Today will be our first day taking adaptation. You see you start taking it half way threw your 7th year of school. It's a fairly new class. It had been added to the national education requirements just last year but most people seemed to have enjoyed it. They say that the teachers a little wacko though.

Just them I see Miss nesbit as she walks into class. She is a short woman with a small frame and a very petite body.She looks about 40 or 50 and has a pale complexion. Her bleach blond hair has been put up into a lose bun today and has strands of loose hair that are sticking strait up from her bun make inch it look like she had had a ballon rubbed agents her skull for 30 minuets. She has several strands or hair that have fallen from the bun and are hanging off her head lifelessly like dead vines that have long sines decaded.

She is wearing a huge pair of navy blue spectacles that are an inch think and cover half of her face. They make her blue eyes bulge out of her head. She also has several shimmery necklaces. Some that rap right around her neck and others that drape over her chest and hang down to her belly button. She has on a knee length navy Blue dress that is covered from head to toe in sparkles. And as she walks across the floor of the room her whole body sparks and shimmers.

"Hello everyone." She says her voice load and chipper. "I hope you all enjoyed Your week long break. Today though we will be starting class off with an introductory of what adaptation is and then at the end of class there will be a little surprise. Ok?" She says as she passes back and forth.

"Adaptation, were to begin? We'll you all know about the change, obviously. Adaptation is a result of the change. We take this class because we as humans were unable to adapt to weather, plants, and animals that had all changed."

"Boring" I hear one of the kids on the other side if the room say as he fake coughs into his hand.

Miss. Nesbit gives him a menacing glare and then continues in with her speech. " We as humans were unable to adapt to the changing world. In this class we will learn more about the outside world. Now i know that you study the outside world in science but this is just a different version of science. In this class you will study the world and how you can either change it or be changed by it. We will do hands on experiments not on things from the outside world but on ourselves. Our goal us to see how we can help ourselves to adapt to the world around us. How can we improve ourselves." She says with excitement. "We will be doing a lot of testing to see how much change each of us can withstand. These will be personalized test that will be taken individually. we will change thing like the air pressure, change I water, things like that. Ahh...Yes? Miss at the back of the class."Miss Nesbit says. " Do you have a qeustion."

I look over me see Junie frantically raising her hand. It's actually very unlike her. Normally she keeps to herself and doesn't ask any questions.

"Um how will we be able to test these things with out hurting and or Killing ourselves? We can't really change the air pressure not without... Without going... Outside." Junie says exasperated.

"Now, now don't worry we wont be going outside. you see none of this will be harmful in anyway. These wont be real test. You will be taking them in the Zarory simulator.

"What's the Zarory simulator?" Junie asks.

"Your about to find out. " she says. And with that she turned and walked out if the room expecting the whole class of 20 kids to follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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