Yes, We ARE Gay

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This is my first Fanfic. Hope you like!

-Maeve oxoxox❤


People always ask us questions about our sexual orientation. It irritates Mycroft, but people are curious and they will always ask questions. When people ask I say,

"Well, yes, we ARE gay" Some people answer with " K." or others "Dear Lord!" and then run away. It doesn't bother me. People have their ways, and they are usually set with them.

Mycroft and I have been together for almost 2 years. I moved in with him and now we are happily together. He is probably the most lovely person I have ever met. He is polite, no matter what his brother Sherlock says. And he always says 'I love you' and 'Greg, darling' . He is a dream come true.

One musty autumn evening we decided to go on a walk around our house. The grounds were lovely. Nicely cut grass, well manicured bushes. I particularly loved one of the fountains. We walked past it.

" Do want to stop here love?" asked Mycroft.

"Sure," I replied "Oh, Mycroft, darling we really do have a luxury of living here." I said looking around the gardens. I looked back a Mycroft. He wasn't there. Looked around. And there he was. On one knee,

"Mr. Gregory Lastrade. Would

You..." he was choking on his words "Would you...have the pleasure of being my husband?" he asked blushing. I looked at him.

"Oh, Mycroft!" I pulled him into a warm hug"Yes, Yes Mr. Holmes, I will!"

We had planned the wedding for Late June. Sherlock was the first to find out. Although, he didn't really 'find out'. He more like, well. The way he works is hard to explain. He just sort of knows stuff by the way you walk or talk. He was at Scotland Yard and he said,

"Soooo, you are engaged now."

"Yes, I am." that was the end of that conversation.

When we told Mrs. Hudson, Mary and John( at the same time) we got all

"Oh, that's great. When is it?" I gave them information as Mycroft and Sherlock exchanged 'looks' at each other.

Eventually the day came. I was SO nervous. So many bad scenarios ran through my head. But none of them would happen. Especially because we had extra security(thanks to Mycroft for being half the British government) and we wouldn't invite anyone to our wedding who was against gays.

When we were both on the altar, I could practically feel people staring at us. Finally, the time came when we kissed and everyone clapped.

Afterwords, we had the reception. It was wonderful. People laughing and talking, and congratulating us. Sherlock did not show up. Despite how much we had wanted him to. Well, maybe not 'we'. It was more of I wanted him to come. I practically invited everyone to the wedding. Mycroft didn't care less who came.

__________________________First Chapter? Good? Yes? Comment!

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