Fries vs Boys

56 4 2

FRIES: Taurus, Aquarius, Sagittarius,Virgo,and Aries.

BOYS: Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Gemini,Leo...


Wait where is...


-Hey Libra!
Ummm...can i ask you a question?


-Do you prefer
Fries over Boys or vice versa?

-(Libra): ummmmmmmm...........

3hrs later...

-I just cant decide, can i go with both?

-You know what, you good, i got to go update my Zodiac Jams Book in wattpad,but dont worry, i will come back 10 years later to see if you had decide it yet...


Who in his right mind would pick Guys over Fries..?
Like damn

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