the family

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Zac and his dad walked back to the house*hey dad and bro*said Mary the sister of zac age 19 5 years older then zac  and she is sitting here smoking*what I tell you  about smoking  dad said and then Mary put the cigarette out*come on dad I'm 19 now I should be able to smoke
Not if you want to be killed in battle because your high dad said* okay okay dad oh hey can I hang out with zen and idle tonight Mary said
Okay Mary just don't do any crap with zen dad said and Mary blushed
S-Shut up *Mary said
Hey Mary can you show me some of your magic zac said zac always look up to his sister and Mary could never say no to him
Okay kid what about I show you something before that
She want to the closet and pulls out a sword with zacs name on it*OMD (oh my dragon ) thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you zac said over and over again* np kiddo no look at this
She throws the sword in the air and shoots it with lighting and the sword had lighting and fire written on it*now you can use it and you can shoot lighting and fire out of it Mary said and she starts to get a call in her mind*oh sorry zac zen is calling Me love you
Love you to sis
This the place ford Alex says* yes the north side of the  village has the MAN in it ford says*
Then this  north side o  the village will not see the day light THUNDER BLAST
Alex shoots a blast into the sky and hits the village and the north side of the village was destroyed*do you know what was that Mary zen said*no  let me check EYE OF TIME she sees people running away from the blast but getting killed by it but one man gets away* omd Mary falls to the ground crying*Mary zen and idle said and both of them taking her home*alex he lived the attack now he is running into the forest I need you to hunt him down ford said* okay boss Alex then tp away In a flash

End if part two

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