the king

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The next day* so son who is this man dad said I'M THE FORGOTTEN MAN OF THE DRAGON HUNTERS he says
You know zac he's pretty  cute maybe you can make us friends Mary said oh okay hey hunter this is my sister Mary zac says
I'm the forgotten man nice to meet you Mary he says
Thanks cutie Mary says as she starts to smoke
And after everyone come out to go to the king zac,dad,Mary,and the forgotten man comes out and the forgotten man is in a hood*I need to wear this is no one can see me zac
Okay hunter zac says
The king gets off  his horse*
Hello my people I'm your king but just call me the prince because I don't want to feel so powerful because I'm just called king now I'm here to see what happened here please speak up and tell me what happened the prince says he is a 18 and the king of the land
A a little girl comes up*sir  lighting hit the village and destroyed the village and nothing was left and everyone I known is dead now she says
The king goes down to here*
I'm so sorry to hear that what's your name he says
I-IM Lila sir she says
Okay then Lila you will be my little Knight in training
Really sir your home me and feed and even train me
Of course and you can call me master kine he says with a smile on his face* she hugs her because she is so happy*thank you thank you she says
Be use his eye and two knight use magic to make tons of food and drinks*EAT UP kine says and everybody of the south village started to eat*
Hey guys let's go and Mary I need to talk to you the forgotten man said
Okay what is it forgotten man Marys says I need you to join my group so we can defeat the monsters among us he says what monsters Mary says THE DRAGONS THEY PLAN TO DESTROY EVERYTHING ME AND YOU LOVE
In Marys mind*everything we love *she see dragons burning zac and dad alive* zac,dad,idle,zen......
I will join okay Mary says
Good now just sighed his piece of paper he says as she puts her name on it*okay pack all your stuff and get ready
Okay dad zac I be gone for a while okay she says
Hey  plz take me with you zac says
Is that okay with you forgotten man Mary says*
Of course he can come
After they get done packing they head out to the forest and meet with the other two
Finally you got here forgotten man a boy with white heir and two weird eyes and a girl with pink heir and blue eyes*hello new friends I'm Abby she says she looks like the same age as zac
Okay guys I want all of you to fight me at once forgotten man said I know your crazy but you crazy we kill you he says I know but zone I AM THE FORGOTTEN MAN
Okay then Abby said and mary said at the same time*
Mary I want you to shoot fire at me okay Abby said
Okay Mary shoot fire at Abby
HEATED ARMER Abby use magic and the fire hits it and absorbs the fire and She has fire around her she rushes him* nice combo he says and jumps over her and shoots her with rocks and jumps on Marys head*hey Mary bye Mary
Throws her into Abby*ow I think my arm is broken Mary says Don't worry I got you mary Abby heals her
Okay zac I want you to yell at him zone says
The forgotten man rushes zac but he stops when he was about to hit him*
What-- the forgotten man says*
Got you zone says looking at him with his eyes growing
But how he says
When you were fighting Abby and Mary I analysis your attacks and found your weak spot on your body your back  and you were all open when you rushed zac so I use my zone eyes to trap you and your open for attack now you have lost zone says
Well someone's smart but sadly your wrong because this is a shadow clone he says
His clone expose and the real one punch's his face
Looks like I won kids now I pare you guys up with combos like abby if you used your armer and hit me to the ground I might off been found out and hit by zone and if you zone help mary with her magic the clone might of been defeated and I be founded out now let's get going okay he says
Fine gramps zone says
The first place we go is THE KINGDOM it has the map to the eye and I need you guys to help me to get in and out now you guys READY
They all say YES
They walk to kingdom
So looks like they have beaten you zero ??? Says
No of course not I was just taken by surprise zero says
Okay looks like they are heading to the kingdom now I want you alex ford and that other one with you to kill them all ??? Says
Yes sir
??? Picks up a ball with the forgott man face on it and pops it*this will be you when they find you isia our and I will make sure the dragons won't control the land just I take them as my own AhAHAH
breaks the ball*
End of part 4 hoped you liked it

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