1. An Eventful Morning

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   It was Elle's hundredth Friday sitting in the same seat, in the same café, in the same town. She came here to read, it was quiet and peaceful.

   But today her peace was interrupted by an angry girl with blonde hair.

    A couple had been sitting across from her for a while, but she hadn't taken any notice until now.

"I hate you!" the girl screamed, causing the whole café to go silent. Jumping to her feet, the girl stormed out of the coffee shop, slamming the door behind her. The boy that had been accompanying her didn't bother to follow. Either she was overreacting, or he just simply did not care.

   Elle looked over at the guy who was left sitting at the table alone. The girl had spilled(or rather poured) coffee all over his denim jacket. Rude.

   "For fuck sake!" the guy muttered to himself, resting his head on his hands.

   For a minute Elle thought about asking him if he was ok, but then she remembered she would never have the courage to do that. Although she tried, Elle was never quite good at saying the right things to people in awkward situations.

So Elle continued reading her book, until she was interrupted a few seconds later.

"Do you have a phone?"

Elle looked up to see the boy standing over. Well he wasn't exactly a boy, but he wasn't a man either.

"Uh, yeah" Elle replied. Of course she had a phone, what a stupid question to ask someone.

"Can I use it? My girlfriend smashed mine," he asked, sitting down across from me.

"Uhm, okay," she said, taking her phone from her pocket and handing it to him, "the password's 1234."

   She was too shy to say no, and what harm could he do, she didn't expect him to steal it.

"Original" he grinned, taking the phone and unlocking it, "what's your name by the way?"

"Elle" she told him, embarrassed. She was not good with people, and she didn't like this guy's vibe.

   "Right, well I'm Jack, and I'm just texting my friend to collect me" he informed her, typing a long message.

   Honestly, Elle didn't care who he was texting. She waited patiently while Jack continued typing out his long message. A random boy talking to her was a rare occurrence.

   "Okay, can I sit here until he texts back?" Jack smiled, handing Elle back her phone.

   Elle nodded and stared at him. He had dark brown messy hair and bright blue eyes. She guessed most people would consider him attractive, but Elle wasn't really into looks. Honestly, she was more into personality.

   "Are you okay?" he smirked, "I know I'm sexy, but fuck control yourself I have a girlfriend."

   Elle hadn't realised she had been staring. She quickly attempted to act normal, "I have to go."

    She stood up and walked out of Hanlon's just as Jack's girlfriend had walked away from him.

   And once again, he didn't follow. Thank god.

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