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The walls of Alexa Turner's jail cell looked like something out of an art museum, each of the four tiny walls were plastered with her dreams of what life would have been. Charcoal drawn trees sprung out from the cracks of the cement floor, and a myriad of wildflowers encased them. Drawing was her escape, it was the only thing that kept her sane during her days locked up in isolation. The guards hadn't really taken a care to the fact she was marking up the walls of her cell, for all they knew, she was to be locked up in there for the rest of her life. Her drawings all originated from the same thing, the dream of one day being released and seeing the world once again, as terrible as it might be. 

It was always dark, even with the lights on. There was nothing to help her clarify all the jumbled up thoughts and memories in her head. It was utter chaos and confusion. Her heart hurt and her head hurt even more. She couldn't cry anymore and it was almost like she was a drought. Literally and figuratively. She was dry, emotionless, broken and cracked. Nothing to soothe her and no one to care. She just wanted him back, she just wanted to know if he was even alive. Six weeks of being incarcerated had most definitely taken its toll on her. Although her own courage and willpower hadn't faltered, her mental and physical health had. She was drained in every way possible. Days were endless and nights were restless. A small, bandaged up wound which was taking way too long to heal due to lack of care, was what kept her going, was what forced her to keep her head on her shoulders. It was a reminder of all that she had fought for and all that she had lost because of it. They could take her family away, her right to live, her happiness, but they could not take her away no matter how hard they tried.

Alexa sighed and began to draw. She began to expand on a small willow tree that she had outlined the day before, starting with the roots. She made them stronger, thicker and almost chuckled at the irony of it. She used to be strong like the roots but someone had ripped her out and threw her away to die. Then, the ground began to shake, causing her to draw out of line. It came slowly at first but then it became stronger and louder. She knew what was happening. Next came the explosion. She watched as her willow cracked beneath her and then her jail cell was pulled open and she was dragged out. This was the hope she was forever holding on to, the hope that she knew was coming. They had finally come for her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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