Chapter 2

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, the second chapter was supposed to be up AGES ago, but snow and getting called into work interfered :/ 

"My name is Harry Styles. I've been hired by your parents."

My jaw dropped; I placed the vase onto the coffee table and sunk down into the couch, trying to process this new information.

“Wait a minute. That doesn’t make any sense, my parents are doctors. Why would they need to hire someone for me?!”

“Well your parents are doctors, but not the kind you think they are. They are actually part of a secret government organization. I can’t go into all of the details as they are top-secret, but they are wanted by multiple terrorist organizations because of the work that they do. That is why I am here, to protect you and make sure you stay safe.”

I got up from the couch and started to pace around the living room, running my hands through my hair.

“You must be joking, this sounds just like something out of a movie.”

“Believe me or not, it’s true. I am here to look after you while your parents are away.”

“Where are they exactly? Are they even in Amsterdam, or is that a lie too?”

Harry sighed, walking from the spot he had been standing until he was in front of me. He tried to put his hand on my arm, in an attempt to comfort me, but I jerked my arm away just as he placed his hand on my skin.

“Yes, they are in Amsterdam, but they aren’t at the hospital they told you they would be at. They are at an undisclosed location, for safety reasons.”

“What? I – I can’t – I don’t even know what to say right now, I need time to process this.”

I promptly left the living room and walked into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. Falling face first onto my bed, I let a scream out into my pillow. For my entire life I thought my parents had been doctors. Now I find out that my whole life has been a lie?

The next morning, I groaned as I heard my alarm going off, signaling that it was time for me to get out of my warm bed and get ready for class. As I sat up, I remembered what Harry had told me the night before and immediately felt a headache coming on. I still don't understand why my parents would keep this information from me for the past 17 years. 

I ran into my bathroom and into the shower, turning the faucet to the point where the water was hot but not enough to give myself third degree burns. I let out a sigh as the bathroom started to fill with steam, as the tension slowly left my body and my headache disappeared.

Heading to the kitchen, I turned on my Keurig and went to grab a cup so I could make my coffee. After grabbing my mug out of the cabinet, I jumped about two feet in the air and almost dropped the piece of ceramic on the kitchen floor when I noticed the dark figure sitting at the table. 

"Well good morning to you too."

"You scared the shit out of me! How long have you been sitting there?"

"I walked in while you were messing with that coffee maker."

"I should really get you a bell or something so you can stop sneaking up on me."

He rolled his eyes and I went to grab my coffee, as it had finished brewing. After adding cream and sugar, I grabbed my favorite cereal and poured an extra bowl from the grumpy boy sitting at my kitchen table.

Finishing my breakfast, I ran back to my room and put the finishing touches on my hair and makeup, and grabbed my book bag. As I went to walk out the door, Harry reached out and grabbed my arm.

Twist of Fate // h.s. au //Where stories live. Discover now