chapter 2

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Ty was calling after me, but I didn't care. All he would do was try to talk me out of it, but I needed to do this. It was better off for him and the rest of the world.

I kept running until I got to the pharmacy. My antidepressants were ready to be picked up, so yea. I went in and stood in line. There were only two people in front of me, so I shouldn't be in here long. Which is good, because the sooner I get this over with, the better.
After I got the pills, I started running towards my flat, which wasn't that far away.
I got about half way there when I bumped into some one.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The man shreiked not so manly when I hit his chest and fell.
"Nah, its my fault," its always my fault. "Should of been looking where I was going." I looked down. I knew I was still on the bridge of tears, and this poor stranger didn't need to have to deal with me.
"Hey, are you ok?" He asked, and the funny thing is, he sounded more concerned and worried than Tyler did. Huh...
I didn't respond at all, and the next thing I know, his forefinger was lifting my chin up. Hus eyes were bright blue. Kind and welcoming, they were. Full of concern.
I tried so hard to hold back the tears. To build a wall and not let them escape. But to no avail. As soon as I met his concerned and worried gaze, they started to fall.
He didn't even think twice before he engulfed me in his arms. I found myself burying my face in his chest and clawing at his jumper. I didn't know what I was doing. This poor guy didn't deserve to dead with the fucked up mess I've become, so I pulled away. He still seemed worried, but there was something else written on his features. Was that disappointment? If so, why? He should be glad he doesn't have to touch me anymore. THATS IT! I can't take these thoughts anymore. I looked down at my feet as they began to run in a random direction.

"Hey! Stop! Please!" The man called.
While my head told me to keep running; that if I did then I could do the world a huge favor, but my heart told me to stop; ever since his arms were wrapped around me, it was doing this weird flip-flop thing.
So I stopped. I stopped and turned around. And he was right there with that concerned and worried look written all over his face.
And in that moment, I wasn't thinking about running, about killing myself. I was thinking about him. I had just met this man, and he had already made me forget my problems. Not even Tyler could do that.
"What's your name?" His sweet voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"D-Dan Howell.." I stammered.
"Ok, dan, I'm Phil lester." When I nodded he continued. "Now, what's wrong?"

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