chapter 3

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Ok so troyler is gonna come out (somewhat...?)in thus chapter, though it might be terrible how it happens...anyway enjoy😉😁

"Dan...D-Dan stop, please!" Phil whisper-yelled, terror evident on his face and in his voice.
Phil had flushed the pills once he found out my plan, so I had to think of something else.
Phil went to sleep at around 12:30, and he let me have the couch. Well, I couldn't sleep, so I was left alone in the silent dark with my screaming mind. At around 4:00, I'd had enough. I went into Phil's kitchen and searched his drawers, finding a knife, some anxiety pills, a rope, and a lighter. Why he had all this laying in a drawer and not somewhere more secure? I dont really know, but I'm glad.
I poured me a glass of water, grabbed a hand full of the pills and the knife, and headed to the bathroom.
I sat the stuff down on the counter, and looked in the mirror.
My hair had its natural curls, my face was paler (if even possible) than normal, my eyes bloodshot, and my cheeks were puffy. I looked terrible.
"You're just like your father!"
"Oh, go kill yourself!"
My mum's voice bounced around in my head, and I sunk to the floor with the knife in my hand.
I ran it across my wrist, feeling the blood starting to trickle, and my whole body started to shake with sobs.
In hindsight, I was being too loud, and I had forgotten to lock the door, so Phil heard and came to the rescue. Again.
Phil kneeled down beside me, and slowly took the knife out of my shaking hand. He pulled out a paper towel and dabbed at the blood, I winced and cried harder.
"Come here," he whispered, opening his arms once he was finished with my wrist.
I basically shot into the warmth and security of his arms, and buried my face in his neck as I cried.
He pulled me completely into his lap, and brought his hand up to play with my hair, while the other rested on my back. "Sh, dan its ok. You're ok," he cooed, trying to calm me.
I nodded, just calming down. I don't know why I just had to do this. "Im so sorry, Phil. I don't know...I just-"
"Sh its ok now Dan. As long as your ok, I-its ok." he interrupted me. "Have you even slept?" he asked after a few minutes.
"N-no, not really." I admitted.
"Come on" he sighed and stood up. He held out his hand to help me stand up, for which i was grateful because I was still really shaky.
He didn't let my hand go as he dragged me down the hall and into his bedroom. "I can tell you can't really sleep...well, by yourself..uhm so you maybe wanna sleep with me?" he asked as he finally let my hand go. He sounded so nervous, it made my heart melt.
I nodded and hugged him, grateful for his offer because I knew that I wouldn't get a lick of sleep otherwise. "Thanks Phil" I mumbled into his neck.
He began to make his way slowly to the bed, without letting me go as if I would float away if he did.
I layed beside him and cuddled up into his side for warmth. "Goodnight Dan" Phil whispered.
"Goodnight Phil" I whispered back after yawning.
Phil draped his arm over my shoulder as he squirmed but then leaned his head down and kissed my forehead.
And as cliché as it sounds, the skin where his lips touched tingled. I blushed and fell into a deep sleep. Thoughts of Phil dancing in my mind.
"Um I don't know how to say this Dan but uhm I sorta kinda cheated on you?" it came out as more of a question.
I couldn't say anything back. I just hung up. Part of me glad that we didn't have to continue this relationship, I mean, I love Tyler and I always will and we'll always be friends, but lately we've been drifting apart. He'd always take calls out of the room, and then not tell me who it was, and then act all fidgety.
I was sat on Phil's couch, playing with my fingers. Even though my relationship with Tyler was a bit strained, I couldn't help but wonder if I did something wrong to make him cheat. Wasnt I good enough? Or did he just not want to hurt me? I don't know.
"Dan?" Phil's worried voice floated from the hall. "Who was on the phone?"
I shrugged.
Phil came out from the hall and sat next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder, and I couldn't help but snuggle into his side. "Who was on the phone?" he repeated in a whisper.
I shrugged yet again, but answered. "My e-ex..."
He cocked his head to the side. Then realization hit.  "Oh my god...I didn't...I didn't know....does he think you cheated on him? Oh my, im so sorry!"
I shook my head. "He"s the one who cheated on me." I whispered, voice cracking and eyes full of tears.
"Oh..Dan im so sorry." he said whilst squeezing my shoulder.
"And you know the worst part? I suspected he was cheating but I wanted to trust him! I didn't want to ask him who those calls were from, but I c-" I stopped dead. "Phil, I need to go."

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