Remember me (sad harry styles Fanfic)

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Me and Harry have been dating for two years this is the moment that changed my life forever.

Todays Harry's last concert before he comes home so I decided to go and watch him.

"I am so excited to go and see Harry tonig"I said before I was cut off by my phone it was Harry calling so I pick it up.

"Hey babe" he said.

"Hi babe" I said

"are you excited about tonight" he said.

"Yeah I am I can wait to see you" I said.

"Can't wait to see you too babe" he Laughed gently though the phone.

"See you soon babe i love you" I said

"okay see you there babe love you too bye" he said.

"Okay bye babe" I said

I hanged up and looked the at clock it was already 6 o'clock I need to be there at eight so I got in the shower got dressed did my make up lightly just how Harry likes it. When I looked at the clock it was 7:30 so I grabbed my keys and phone and bag and drove to The O2 arena when I got there I gave bouncer my ticket and went to my seat all five boys came out on to the stage Harry was trying to flirt with me I thought it was so funny until he slips of the stage and knocked himself out I couldn't help but scream and shout and I was getting very lightheaded and I felt very dizzy and then darkness came over me I had passed out and then I woke up in the back of Louis car.

"Where am I where's harry" I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

Louis looked at me with sadness in his eyes and said " he is in the hospital"I felt another tear rolled down my cheek

"what why is he in the hospital Louis what happened!" I yelled

"He fell off the stage and knocked himself out" he said


" y/n please stop shouting it's not good for you" he said

"I know Louis I'm just worried Harry i'm so sorry" I said as another tear rolled down my cheek.

"It's ok love I am too" he said

"Can we go and see him" i said.

"Yes we can" he said

So we drove to the hospital but what I didn't know is he was more hurt then I thought.

~~~ At the hospital ~~~

When we got there we saw the boys siting there crying and because they were crying I started to cry.

"Hay where's harry have you seen him" I asked

"No only family are allowed in" Liam said

"Will I be allowed in?" I asked

" don't know maybe" zayn said

"Ok I will try" I said

I walked up to the front desk

" hello how can I help you?" She asked

" am here to see harry styles" I said

" sorry only family" she said

"But I am his girlfriend so I am technically family" I said

"Ok go on in" she said

As I went in he looked at me he look scared of me and then he spoke

" who are you?" Harry asked

"I am y/n you know that we have been going out for 2 years" I said hoping he was joking

"No I don't have a girlfriend" he said

His words broke my heart he didn't remember me I ran out of the room and slid down the wall crying then Louis saw me and he came over and sat next to me.

"What's wrong y/n?" He asked

"H-harry d-doesn't k-know w-who I-i a-am" I cried

"Oh no he might not remember who we are" he said

~~~~ to be continued ~~~~

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