Can You Feel My Heart?

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Lydia's POV

Jaimie wants to see me again. Wow.

Well it's shower time for me.

I hop in the shower and let the warm water trickle down my back. It feels so good. I wash my hair with my color shampoo. It smells so damn good.

I wash my body with my moonlight path body wash my mom got me the Christmas before she died. I keep it to remember her. I only use it on special occasions. So I guess this is a special occasion.

I wrap my towel around my body and ring my hair out before stepping into the mat. I unlock the door and step out into my room. Hannah isn't in my room so she's probably downstairs. I close my bedroom door and lock it. I let my towel drop to the floor and I walk over to my dresser. I grab my black bra and matching thong and put those on. I grab my hair straightener and plug it in. I grab my makeup bag and put that to the side for when I'm done with my hair. I get side tracked by my phone beeping. I got a text from Hannah.

"Hey I'm at Vic's. Hit me up later and tell me how things went!(;"

I chuckle to myself and put my phone into my speaker to blare my music.

I hear the straightener beep signaling me it was ready to use. I split my hair into three sections and begin doing my hair.

About fifteen minutes later my hair is completely straight. Pitch straight. It's never looked so good. My burgundy hair looks amazing.

I unplug my straighter and put it back in my drawer. I take out my makeup and cake my face in that shit. I have on cover up, mascara, liquid eyeliner on my eyelids and lipgloss.

Damn I look good.

I put all my shit away and go over to my human sized mirror. I look at myself in the mirror.

I have to many flaws on my body.

My cuts on my thighs are scaring. I have so many scars on my thighs. It's seriously terrible. Hannah always tells me not to cut but I don't listen. My thighs are terrible. They're so ugly. Just like the rest of me.

I feel my eyes becoming watery and I throw my fist at the mirror. It doesn't break, thank god cause that was expensive. But I decide to get dressed.

I throw on my black leggings with white crosses on them and my black tank top for now.

Jaimie didn't tell me when he was gonna come over. Should I text him and ask? I don't know.

My phone buzzes.

Yay. Jaimie texted me.

"What time should I come over?"

"Whenever you want is okay bae!(:"

I smile. He's adorable. My phone buzzes and makes me jump.

"Looks like I'll be surprising you then babe."

"Yay! I love surprises. See you soon."

Well since I don't know when Jaimie is coming over, I don't know what to do until then. Hm.

Maybe I should eat.


What if he takes me out to dinner. That'd be so stupid Lydia.

Maybe I'll just throw on a shirt and get my shit together and watch tv for now.

Good idea!

I walk back upstairs and throw on my black shirt. It's tight at the top and flowy at the bottom. It's one of my favorites. I grab my phone and my purse and head downstairs. I click on the tv when the door bell rings. I turn it off and answer the door.

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