was it really just another normal day?

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my name is marissa, I am just another teen.

it was just another normal day. being unnoticed by the guy you have loved forever. not being loved or cared about by him. knowing that he will never love you the way you love him. reciting all the horrible things he has said to you, even if he never meant them. just simply knowing that no matter how hard you try , no matter how much you need him, no matter how much you know you can not live with out him. he will never care.

so, like i said. it was just another normal day for me. getting woken up by the constant ringing of the alarm that i have hated so much for several years. that alarm that reminds me that I am alive and I have to put up with the unknown shit that is going to happen in my day.

in this totally normal day I wake up and get ready for school, I dont even put any effort in the way I look. what is the need?

im done trying so I go with my hair tied up in a messy bun, shove my foundation on to cover the bags under my eyes to not show everyone that I stay up all night thinking and fantasizing about that one guy.

I smile to show the world that im perfectly fine and that im deffinitely not depressed. I grab my backpack and rush to the same school bus that takes me to the same boring school. I sit next to my friends in the same seat at the back of the buss. I watch the same boy that I have loved forever walk in the same buss that I am in. and I watch the same smile I get everyday that he throws at me. and I do the same thing as always.. I fake smile back.

it was a wednesday. the lessons I have are maths, drama, science and music. he is in all my lesskns today. and he is the reason why I hate wednesdays because I hae to put up with all the heart aching today. but I also have to put all the effort in as im graduating soon.


there goes the bell for my first lesson..

I head my way to maths and I could see that he was walking behind me. my heart begins to beat harder and louder, my body turns hot and I begin to sweat.

" hey, hey marrissa!" he calls me. oh no...

" er, erm, hi justin." "hey , did you do your homework?"

"erm yeah I did justin, you want to copy it dont you?" "ahaha you know you love me marissa haha. please pretty please let me copy your homework babe"he cooed.

HE CALLED ME BABE! omg omg I freaking out, justin bieber just called me babe!

"sure justin, you can here you go. you gotta copy it now because we have maths right now" ..

"thanks marissa, come in to the toilets so I can copy it, come on".

justin held my hand and pulled me to the disabled

toilets. he quickly copied my homeworkd and then hugged me. "thanks marissa, I owe you".

my heart stopped when he put his arms around me. just for 1 second my pain, all the hurt he put me in the past just disapeared. I felt alive again. I felt like I was at home, safe. I could feel his heart beat thumping against my chest. I felt amazing.

-------justins pv -------

I pulled marissa to the toilets, she so sweet. she always lets me copy her homework. I know I could always count on her, she has always been there for me. shes nice to everyone. shes always smilling and happy but somehow I could see something like sadness in her eyes when I went to hug her.

I felt her heart beat against me. Ive had this crush on her ever since I moved next door to her. but today when I hugged her. when I held her in my arms just for a second then I thought that I loved her. shes beautifull and so warm and caring.

I think that this feeling I have for her might just be a phase. shes too good for me. we will never work out.

I meen it would be amazing if we ever did get toether but I dont think im her type.

the school prom is coming up so I might ask her to go and see how I feel about her then.

-------back to marrissa-------

"justin. we need to go back to class now"

"yeh marissa lets go, thanks for the homework.. urm marissa? urm I want to ask you something...?"

my heart fell. what could it be. what does he want to ask me. what could it possibly be? does he like me? is my dream finally happening? are all these years of pain going to finally disappeared? please please let it be true.


"marissa ill ask you later, ahaha this guy needs a shit, come on lets go to maths"

"oh, okay". I cried the words out as they escaped my quevering lips.

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