"I am in love!"
[... How do I react in this situation? Script it.] I am happy for you [I should sound more enthusiastic].
"Wait for it. There is more. He proposed to me!"
[What a relief she didn't notice! Script it.] Congratulations on your future wedding! Cheers!
"What wedding?"
You said [mimicking] "he proposed to me!"
"Yeah I did! To be my special someone. Besides are you not way too fast and early for the conclusion?"
Everyone can be special to someone.
Her eyes glared like daggers with its points perfectly polished at me.
[Gulped. How do I express in a way that I neither sound desperate nor annoyed? For fuck's sake this unrequited! A wall among all!] Truthfully, my physical body system cannot seem to process logically the current information. I am quite in a distress so I am taking my leave first. [Bows. Turns back away from her. I am running away. I am a liar. I am a coward.]
"Stop right there! What is so painful?"
[Go! Move! Damn it!] You!
"What did I do? I was sharing a happy moment in my life. What is so bitter about it?"
[Move it! Come on! Fast!] I mean me. I hate myself! It would be best if I don't continue to exist from now on!
"How can you be so selfish?"
Because in whatever dimension, there would be no "US" at all.
"What makes you say so surely?"
Even if there is, there are no traces of recall. How can you ask me that?
"Because I care."
You must take me as a joke.
"I don't. It is not on your wavelength of perception."
You mean I am crazy. [Shove her away. It is best for the both of us if she hates me. I am exhausted. I am breaking. He looked up at the sky. The snow lightly falls. Such a dramatic scene I am experiencing right now.] Shinigami, I need you. [He begs to the wind].
He left without any further details.
"I do know what you are thinking," as she let him go in the loop of conversation, hoping their friendship is not over. It had never came across her that is how he somewhat feels towards her. He is like a family, like an older brother.
Why am I such a failure in love?What is so true on, "all is fair in love and war"?
Life is always unfair!