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Hey, I've tried writing on Wattpad before but got too insecure about my writing and took my story down. So I'm going to try this again with a whole new story. Please critique my writing and tell me how to improve because I would very much appreciate it.
Thanks guys,
Bella B

It all happened so suddenly. All the memories, the good times, the smiles, the joy, but most of all the pain. Everything I hadn't thought about, everything I thought I had forgotten. It all came rushing back to me in a sudden burst. For the first time in five years, I saw the one person that had once meant the world to me and the same person who completely destroyed me. 
Laya Leah didn't have the great time growing up. With her broken, dysfunctional family, her struggle to keep straight A's, and her constant track record of not being able to stay out of trouble, she was the perfect trouble child. But now she was fresh out of university and just trying to make her way in this fucked up world.
Ryland Green was the exact opposite, he was rich and popular. He played on almost every sport team and seemed to effortlessly keep straight A's in every class. Everything in his life seemed to be absolutely perfect; his family, his grades, his friends. 

June 30th, 2012

"Laya Leah," Principal Rose called.

My heart sped up as I took one slow step at a time. This was finally it. The last three terrible years of high school were finally over, and I was leaving this piece of shit town I grew up and I was leaving everyone in it behind. 

It seemed to be the longest walk I had ever had to do, but it was worth it. I had my diploma in my hand, and my tassel on this stupid graduation cap turned to the left side. I was done. I was officially on my way to university. 

After what seemed like forever, the grad ceremony was finally finished with the last name called and everyone throwing their hats into the air like we were in some cheesy movie.

Although the worst part was all the crying parents around me. See my parents were probably sitting drunk in some bar somewhere totally oblivious that their only child was graduating today. Not only that  but they probably wont even realize until tomorrow morning that their only child is gone and no longer "taking up space" in their basement as they called it. 

"Hey, Junkie" my oh so favorite person laughed as they pushed me into the mud effectively ruining my pastel pink dress which just happened to be the only dress I owned. 

"Fuck you Ryland," I shot back while sitting in the mud not caring that everyone was staring as yet another one of mine and Ryland's arguments. You people better enjoy, this is the last one you'll ever fucking see. 

"Awe, Junkie that stings, really." he pretended to act hurt as he kicked more mud onto my dress. 

I shot up from the mud and got as tall and intimidating as I could with my 5'3" frame against his 6'2" built frame. Though even in my cowboy boots and up on my tippy toes I was still only up to his shoulder. 

"Junkie, you don't scare me. Junk, are you sure you are even a girl? Hell you couldn't even walk in high heels, is that why you are wearing shit kickers instead?" He always trashed me about the way I grew up because I wasn't a city-slicker like the rest of the kids in my high school. 

See I grew up on my grandparents farm from the age of five to sixteen when my grandpa had a terrible accident and grandma couldn't take care of the farm so my parents made the brilliant idea of putting her in a shitty retirement home. And with that I was put back in the custody of my alcoholic parents. Though I've always gone to school in the city I was always on the outside because I'd rather go out hunting or horse riding than go to the mall like the rest of the kids. The nickname 'Junkie' comes from the rumor I was a drug addict cause my mom showed up drunk out of her mind screaming she found drugs in my room and drug me home. 

"Hey Junkie," Ryland sang. "Where'd you go? Ya spaced out. Did you even hear what I was telling you?" 

"Yes, Asshole. I heard every fucking word. And say somethin about my boots again, cause remember they're shit kickers but I could use 'em to kick your ass just as well." I gave him an innocent smile before turning and walking away to my truck.

For the first time ever, Ryland Green had nothing to come back with. I had won, and damn it felt great. 


Thank for reading, it means a lot. I'll try to update as soon as I can and the actual chapters will be longer, I just wanted to introduce our two main characters and show you what you're gettin into. 

Please feel free to vote and comment and share my story, it'll help me a lot and getting feed back from you guys will be great. 

Bye-bye, Bella B

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